Former KPU Member Calls Gibran Salahi Procedure Candidate

JAKARTA - Expert from Ganjar-Mahfud, I Gusti Putu Artha, assessed that the General Elections Commission (KPU) violated procedures during the registration process for Gibran Rakabuming Raka as a vice presidential candidate.

The KPU made a mistake, namely stating that Gibran Rakabuming Raka met the requirements as a candidate for vice president without changing KPU Regulation number 19 of 2019 after the Constitutional Court (MK) issued decision No.90/PUU-XXI/2023 regarding the age limit of the vice presidential candidate.

"This action in my opinion is a procedure that is wrong, the KPU should first change KPU Regulation number 19 of 2023 Article 13 paragraph 1 letter q as a consequence of the law changing," Putu said at the General Election Result Dispute (PHPU) trial at the Constitutional Court (MK), Tuesday, April 2.

In addition, the KPU only issued KPU Decree number 1378 which became the basis and technical guidelines on October 17 or after verification of the completeness of the Gibran Rakabuming Raka file was carried out.

"So another law must be seen, what article? Article 231 paragraph 4, what does it say, further provisions regarding verification procedures for the completeness and veracity of administrative documents for prospective pairs, are regulated in KPU regulations," he said.

"The KPU is not right to only obey the 169 changes, then at the same time ignore Article 231 paragraph 4 by directly issuing the KPU's decision," continued Putu.

Not only that, Putu, who is a former member of the KPU, also assessed that the respondent violated KPU Regulation number 1 of 2022 when he issued decision number 1378.

It is known, in Article 30 paragraph 2 of KPU Regulation number 1 of 2022 it is stated in the submission of the KPU decision draft, the Prosecution Bureau harmonizes the KPU regulations.

"The fact is that the material for the decision of the 1378 kpu regarding the age requirements is not in line with KPU Regulation number 19 of 2023," said Putu.