There Is No Lockdown To Prevent COVID-19 In Indonesia

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo emphasized that he would not carry out a lockdown either at the national or regional levels to prevent the spread of COVID-19. He conveyed this to answer the polemic that was developing in the public.

"I need to emphasize first that the lockdown policy at both the national and regional levels is a policy of the central government. This policy should not be taken by local governments and so far we have not thought towards a lockdown policy," Jokowi said at a press conference at Presidential Palace, Bogor, West Java, Monday, March 16.

According to Jokowi, this policy has been taken in a measured manner. The aim, in addition to preventing the spread of the virus, is hoped that this policy will not exacerbate the economic impact and complicate people's lives.

Rather than thinking about the lockdown option, according to the former Governor of DKI Jakarta, the most important thing is to reduce the mobility of the people from one place to another. In addition, people are also asked to maintain distance and reduce crowds that are at risk of spreading the virus.

"The policy of studying from home, working from home, and praying at home needs to continue for us to intensify to reduce the level of the spread of COVID-19 while still prioritizing services to the community. Be it matters of basic needs, health services, and other public services," said Jokowi.

Furthermore, Jokowi ordered the central and regional governments to prepare good public transportation and keep these modes of transportation clean.

In addition, all modes of public transportation are also expected to be able to find ways to reduce crowd levels, reduce queues, and reduce congestion in them so that people can maintain a safe distance.

Jokowi added that local governments do not arbitrarily take information and continue to communicate with relevant ministries and the COVID-19 task force before making decisions in their regions.

"All major policies at the regional level related to COVID-19 must first be discussed with the central government," he said.

In addition, to reduce confusion of information in the community, Jokowi reminded that there is only one door of information, namely the COVID-19 Task Force which he has formed and chaired by the Head of BNPB Doni Monardo.

"To avoid confusion of information, which is conveyed to the public, I also ask that the COVID-19 Task Force be the only reference for information to the public."

Students are reminded to study at home not to an internet cafe

Regarding learning activities at home, President Jokowi asked students and university students to really do this for the next two weeks. The goal is that students and students do not mobilize with the aim of preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Moreover, according to Jokowi, there are many ways students and students can study at home. One of them is to take advantage of the online learning platform provided free of charge by Ruangguru, Zenius, and Google.

"This means that today we invite teachers to direct it there in the next two weeks. So that learning from home can really be effective. If this can be effective, I am sure it will reduce a lot of student mobility and reduce the spread of COVID-19. 19, "said the former mayor of Solo.

Although he admits that not all schools are ready to follow this policy, because there are schools that have not been able to learn online, but he still asks for activeness from teachers and schools to guide their children.

Jokowi also advised students and university students to seriously carry out this recommendation. He also asked students and students not to take advantage of the current situation for fun or even traveling.

"Do not let us expect, students will be closed but instead play at an internet cafe, to a place with a lot of crowds," he concluded.