Visit Gibran, Indian Ambassador Wants To Contribute Technology In Solo

Indian Ambassador to Indonesia Sandeep Chakravorty met with Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka in Solo today. The two parties discussed the future of technology.

"I am happy to meet Mas Gibran who will become the Vice President of Indonesia. I discussed with him in the future for Solo and Indonesia," said Sandeep, Monday, April 1, as reported by Antara.

On that occasion, he admitted to sharing experiences about the technology industry in India. He said this was in line with Gibran's desire to advance the information and technology sector in Indonesia.

"We discussed Solo, he wants Solo to become a technology hub and be able to lead the progress of IT. He also wants to be a leader in AI and that's what we share, experience in Indonesia," said Sandeep.

He said India has an advantage in terms of technology and he hopes to contribute to the development of the same sector in Indonesia.

"We are engaged in digital and we found many similarities with Solo. Hopefully this can help in Indonesia," he said

Meanwhile, he admitted, in the near future there will be cooperation between India and the city of Solo.

"We cooperate through events held in Solo, as well as promote Solo. As is known, India is the second largest tourist in Indonesia," he said.

Regarding this, Gibran said that Ambassador Sandeep's arrival was to congratulate him and at the same time convey that he would hold an event in Solo.

"In addition, there are also several other collaborations," he said.

However, he did not want to convey what activities would be held.

"There will be later let's make sure first, later in the middle of the year, at the international level," he also said.

Regarding cooperation in the field of technology, he said, there would be a possibility of exploring.

"There will be, but we want to explore it first, in the field of technology. Later when it is certain," said Gibran.