Ways To Return More Taxes That Can Be Done Online And Offline

YOGYAKARTA Ways to return more tax payments can be taken by taxpayers (WP) aimed at the state. Returning more tax pay or tax restitution is a request submitted by taxpayers to the state to return the overpayment of taxes submitted by taxpayers to the state.

Tax restitution is very likely to be carried out overpaid or unpaid Income Tax (PPh), Value Added Tax (VAT), to Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPnBM) in accordance with applicable tax regulations.

It should be noted that paying more taxes is a right owned by taxpayers to get more excess funds for taxes that have previously been paid or should not be included in tax receivables.

Meanwhile, the state is obliged to return it to taxpayers for more tax payments, but the return is carried out after a series of inspection processes were carried out by the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) as stipulated in the applicable tax regulations.

Reports related to taxpayers who have more tax pay can be seen after reporting the PPh Annual Notification Letter (SPT) for example. After reporting the SPT PPh, the WP will receive a notification about the reported SPT status. The status will be accompanied by a statement whether the report is nil, underpaid, or even more paid.

If the status turns out to be more paid, the taxpayer can apply for more payment returns to the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP). It should be noted that the application for more tax refunds can be made online or offline. The following is a mechanism for submitting more tax refunds.

The following are steps to apply for more tax refunds online through the DGT website.

Most recently, Sri Mulyani accelerated the return of more tax payments from a year to 15 days so that the process could be faster.

In addition to how to return more taxes, visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.