Two Hotspots Detected By BMKG Sensors In North Sumatra

JAKARTA - Two hotspots were detected by BMKG sensors in the North Sumatra region. The first point is in Labuhanbatu Regency and other points in Toba.

Forecasters from BBMKG Region 1 Medan, Defri Mandoza, Sunday, said that the two hotspots were monitored at one point each in Uluan District, Toba Regency, and at one point in Panei Hilir District, Labuhanbatu Regency.

"The two hotspots were monitored based on the monitoring of fashionable sensors in the form of the Tera Satellite, Aqua, SNPP," said Defri, as quoted by Antara, Sunday, March 31.

Meanwhile, regarding the weather, BMKG predicts that in the next two days in the afternoon and evening there is the potential for rain with light to heavy intensity in parts of North Sumatra.

Heavy rains have the potential to occur in Dairi, Pakpak Bharat, Humbang Hasundutan, Central Tapanuli, North Tapanuli, Mandailing Natal, Central Tapanuli, and surrounding areas.

At night there is the potential for rain with light to moderate intensity in Karo, Dairi, Simalungun, Pakpak Bharat, Humbang Hasundutan, Samosir, Toba, North Tapanuli, Mandailing Natal, North Padang Lawas and its surroundings.

While the average air temperature is 16-34.0 Derajat Celsius, humidity is 60 95 percent and the wind blows from the Northeast - East at a speed of 10 30 km/hour.

"Be aware of the potential for moderate to heavy rain which can be accompanied by lightning and strong winds in parts of the West Coast and the West Slope of North Sumatra which can cause floods, landslides and other hydrometeorological disasters," he said.