Police Name Celebrity Child Abuse Sister Aghnia Punjabi As Suspect

The police have named a nurse with the initials IPS (27) as a suspect. He was named on suspicion of molesting a celebrity child, Emy Aghnia Punjabi with the initials C (3).

Malang City Police Chief Kombes Budi Hermanto said the incident occurred at Permata Jingga Housing, Malang City, East Java, Thursday, March 28, at 04.18 WIB.

Budi added that the determination of the suspect was decided, the age of examining a number of witnesses as of Thursday, March 30, morning.

"We have launched the title and raised (the perpetrator) his status as a suspect," Budi told reporters at the Malang City Police, Saturday, March 30.

The chronology of the incident was revealed, said Budi, starting with the suspect's report against the victim's parents who were out of town.

At that time the perpetrator sent an image showing the victim's condition was injured. However, IPD said the wound was obtained due to falling.

"Information of the nurse to the victim's parents where the child suffered an injury due to falling there were bruises on the eyes of the left and upper middle forehead," he said

The reporter, who saw the injuries to his biological child, gave rise to suspicion. So check the CCTV in his house.

"When a photo was sent to the victim's parents, suspicion arose so that the CCTV victim's parents were in the room," he said.

As a result, it was revealed that the perpetrator had committed acts of violence against the victim. The video was also shared by the victim's parents through their personal social media accounts.

The police, who knew the information, immediately conducted an investigation. To reveal the truth of the video.

Based on the investigator's identification from CCTV camera footage and the testimony of witnesses examined, C toddler celebrity Aghnia Punjabi received several acts of violence.

"The match is the same as the room shape in the room where CCTV looks, there are pillows and seprei that we match with the location where the incident occurred. So it is reasonable to suspect that this incident has actually been carried out," he said.

On that basis, the victim made a police report. Then it didn't take long for the police to immediately arrest the perpetrator on Jumar, March 29.

Currently, the IPS must be held accountable for its actions. He was charged with Article 80 paragraph 2 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2014 concerning child protection with a prison sentence of 5 years.

"The suspect was named and detained by the suspect," he concluded.