Makassar Rudenim Deports South African Foreigners

MAKASSAR - The Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim) of Makassar, South Sulawesi, deported a foreign national from South Africa with the initials MK (41) after undergoing a nine-year shelter.

Head of Makassar Rudenim Atang Kuswana said the Constitutional Court deportation process lasted a long time because the Constitutional Court did not have a family and did not have the money to return to his country.

"For six months we have continued to coordinate with the South African Embassy and the Directorate General of Immigration. Thankfully after nine years the Constitutional Court was finally able to return to its country," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 29.

Atang explained that the Constitutional Court was deported on Thursday (28/3) for immigration violations exceeding the residence permit granted to him in accordance with Article 75 paragraph (1) jo. Article 78 paragraph (2) of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration.

To the officers, the Constitutional Court admitted to entering Indonesia on September 16, 2015 through Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali, using Air Asia flights and using tourist visas (BVKW).

However, after being in Indonesia, the Constitutional Court admitted that it had lost all its documents, including passports and wallets, while on vacation and had reported the incident to the South Denpasar Police.

The Constitutional Court languished for seven years at the Jakarta Rudenim, before finally being transferred to the Makassar Rudenim on December 12, 2022.

After two years at the Makassar Rudenim, the Constitutional Court was finally deported on Thursday (28/3) and escorted by three Makassar Rudenim officers.