Acting Mayor Of Bandung Ensures 41 Hospitals Are Ready To Handle DHF Cases

Bandung Mayor Bambang Tirtoyuliono confirmed that 41 hospitals in the area were ready to handle cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) which has recently experienced a significant increase.

"We as public services prepare ourselves to provide excellent service for the community. We agree, if there is a case of dengue fever, we will be given space by hospital friends to be treated immediately," said Bambang in Bandung as reported by ANTARA, Friday, March 29.

Bambang invites all hospitals in the city of Bandung to provide excellent health services for the community, especially in handling dengue cases in the city of Bandung.

He also asked the hospital to update the DHF patient data regularly, so that the data obtained is the latest, for effective prevention program interventions to be carried out.

"Until the third week of March, there was a decrease in cases compared to the beginning of March. Hopefully the data is valid and real time, we will build an updated information system," he said.

Bambang also reminded all people of Bandung City to be more proactive and not hesitate to bring their family members who experience symptoms of dengue fever to the Puskesmas or health care facilities.

Meanwhile, Head of the Bandung City Health Office, Anhar Hadian, said that until now the hospital occupancy rate has reached 73.6 percent, with several hospitals dominated by dengue cases. According to him, there is a need for synergy between the government and hospitals so that there is no spike in dengue cases being treated in hospitals.

"The city of Bandung is experiencing a significant increase in cases of dengue fever and this is a burden for hospitals, because from the data we have obtained, the occupancy of beds in hospitals is currently 73.6 percent, that's quite high actually," he said.