Minister Of Home Affairs: The Agglomeration Area Council Does Not Take The Authority Of The Regional Government

JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian emphasized that the formation of the Agglomeration Area Council in the Draft Law on Special Regions of Jakarta (RUU DKJ) will not take over the authority of local governments.

"The Agglomeration Regional Council has formed once again whose duties are only harmonization, synchronization, planning, and evaluation, not taking over the authority of the regional government," Tito said when expressing his final opinion representing the President in the Second Level Decision of the DKJ Bill in the DPR, Thursday, March 28.

Tito explained that the government, DPR and DPD RI in discussing the DKJ Bill agreed on the need for a kind of institution that is the conductor to orchestrate Jakarta and its surrounding areas so that it is called an agglomeration area.

The formation of the Agglomeration Area Council will be determined or determined by the president so that harmony will be created and the harmony of the development of agglomeration areas.

The Minister of Home Affairs said that the existence of the agglomeration area was agreed because the development of Jakarta could not be separated from the surrounding area.

The agglomeration area includes the Provinces of the Special Region of Jakarta, Bogor Regency, Tangerang Regency, Bekasi Regency, Cianjur Regency, Bogor City, Depok City, Tangerang City, South Tangerang City, and Bekasi City.

"So that synchronization of development planning and implementation is needed, especially to deal with problems with Jakarta and its surroundings, such as flood problems, transportation, pollution, waste management and others," he said.

Tito then explained several things that were in the public spotlight in the discussion of the DKJ Bill agreed by the government with the DPR and other DPD RI, namely regarding the election of governors and deputy governors of DKJ Province, it was agreed that the determination would still be carried out democratically through regional head elections (pilkada).

"It is agreed that the recruitment of governors and deputy governors will still be democratically elected directly by the people of Jakarta," he said.

Then, he continued, there is special authority in the field of culture that pays attention to the development of Betawi culture in Jakarta.

Then, there is the authority to manage finances in the village to solve problems in their respective urban villages so that the problems of Jakarta as a whole can be solved accurately and focused.

Furthermore, it was agreed that central government assets in Jakarta, namely the Bung Karno Gelora Area, the National Monument, and Kemayoran were still managed by the central government because they contained values of Indonesia's history.

"Then we also agree and thank you for the agreement that was just reached in this plenary meeting regarding the need to improve articles related to DKJ traffic," he said.

Finally, said Tito, the government, DPR and DPD agreed to make the norms for the transfer transition period so that Jakarta could plan for gradual adjustments in line with the ongoing development in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN).

"Among other things, the transition period is the transfer time which will later be determined by the president by issuing regulatory products that are under the authority of the president, both the Presidential Decree and the Presidential Decree," said Tito.

The Minister of Home Affairs also explained that the DKJ Bill was needed as a consequence of the birth of Law Number 21 of 2023 concerning amendments to Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital (UU IKN).

The 14th DPR Plenary Meeting of the IV Session Period for the 2023-2024 Session Year finally approved the decision of Level II on the DKJ Bill to be ratified into law.

"The thing that is very monumental is the revision of the Special Capital City Law (DKI) Jakarta into the Special Regional Government Law for Jakarta," he said.