Hutama Karya Prepares Services On Trans-Sumatra Toll Road Welcoming Lebaran Homecoming

JAKARTA - PT Hutama Karya (Persero) has made various preparations for services on the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS). This is to welcome the homecoming flow and backflow of Lebaran 2024.

Executive Vice President (EVP) Corporate Secretary Tjahjo Purnomo said that his party is committed to ensuring optimal service during the homecoming and backflow of Lebaran 2024.

"Given that the JTTS traffic is predicted to increase by 49 percent when compared to normal traffic at this homecoming moment plus several new sections that have just been operational and opened functionally, we need to ensure that service readiness is correct, both in terms of operations, facilities, and policies so that travelers can comfortably pass through JTTS," said Tjahjo quoting Antara.

Starting a series of operational services for the 2024 Eid homecoming and return flows, Hutama Karya held Apples simultaneously on all toll roads and for central implementation it was carried out at Rest Area KM 118 Line A, Indrapura Toll Road Kisaran.

In addition to ensuring the readiness of toll operational services, the agenda for the apple was carried out by the 2024 Eid Homecoming Alert Task Force Team (Satgas), checking standby vehicles including patrol vehicles, rescue, ambulances, cranes and 8launching homecoming guidance entitled Trans Sumatra Ramadhan Guidebook 2024, as well as the start of homecoming services and Lebaran 2024 backflow on the Hutama Karya toll road.

At the moment of Eid Al-Fitr 2024 Homecoming, Hutama Karya will operate as many as 21 rest areas consisting of 9 permanent rest areas, 6 temporary rest areas and 6 functional rest areas. A number of strategies were also prepared by Hutama Karya to prevent congestion at toll gates.

"We added a mobile reader and top-up hawker at the toll gate to speed up transactions, as well as prepare a holding scheme in rest areas and traffic engineering is needed," he said.

In addition, he continued, his party also launched a booklet for homecoming guidance entitled Trans Sumatra Ramadhan Guide Book 2024 to make it easier for people to try out the 2024 Eid homecoming period.

Panduan ini dapat diunduh secara digital atau dapat dilihat di website resmi Hutama Karya pada bagian Info Mudik Lebaran 2024( TransSumateraRamadhanGuideBook) yang dilengkapi dengan informasi penting yang akan memudahkan pemudik seperti peta JTTS, fasilitas, lokasi rest area, info call center, himbauan berkendara, info wisata, hingga info tarif.

"With a number of preparations that have been made, we hope that the flow of Eid homecoming and return at JTTS can run smoothly and safely and the personnel on duty can provide maximum service," said Tjahjo.

In the moment of the 2024 Lebaran Homecoming, Hutama Karya operates a length of 609 km of toll roads consisting of 11 toll roads that have been operating, 3 (three) segments that are still not available or free and are planned to operate functionally 3 (three) toll roads along 113.45 km of toll roads consisting of the Bangkinang - Tanjung Alai (24.7) Toll Road, Limapuluh Kisaran (32.15), Kuala Tanjung - Indrapura (9.47 Km) and Tebing Tinggi Sinaksak (47.13 Km).

Hutama Karya appealed to all road users to drive in accordance with the rules and regulations applicable on toll roads. Driving at a minimum speed of 60 km/hour and a maximum of 100 km/hour, and not using the shoulder of the road except in an emergency.

Road users are asked to immediately rest at the nearest rest area if they feel sleepy, and if there are complaints or see a crime on the toll road, they should immediately report to the Call Center of each toll road or continue to monitor the information through the Hutama Karya Toll ROad toll road social media.