Anwar Usman Proven To Violate The Code Of Ethics Again

JAKARTA The Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) decided Constitutional Justice Anwar Usmanter was proven to have violated the Code of Ethics and Conduct of Constitutional Justices.

"The reported judge was proven to have violated the Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Constitutional Justice as stated in the principles of appropriateness and cohesiveness of the point of application of number one and number two Sapta Karsa Hutama," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court I Dewa Gede Palguna at the Plenary Session for the Speech of the Constitutional Court's Decision at the Constitutional Court as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, March 28.

For this decision, Anwar Usman was sentenced to a written warning by the Constitutional Court.

It is known that Anwar was reported to MKMK by lawyer Zaico Leonard Simanjuntak and AlvonPratamaS Sitorus and Junaidi Malauas for his statement at a press conference regarding the severity of ethical sanctions imposed by the MKMK in Decision No.2/MKMK/L/2023, namely the removal of office from the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court.

Anwar also filed a lawsuit with the State Administrative Court (PTUN) regarding the decision to appoint the new Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court with a term of office of 2023-2028, Suhartoyo.

MKMK member Yuliandri said the main concern of the judges was Anwar's attitude as the Reported Judge who could not accept the Constitutional Court's decision by holding a press conference.

"In the press conference, the Reported Judge openly conveyed to the public covered by various media, especially regarding his objections regarding procedures for acting, considering the Panel of Judges, and sanctions," said Yuliandri.

Secara kelembagaan, tindakan tersebut memiliki pengaruh secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap marwah dan keluhuran martabat MK karena penyampaian keberatan dilakukan secara terbuka.

In addition, for the MKMK, Anwar's lawsuit to the Administrative Court was a fact that strengthened him from being able to accept the verdict, even taking reactions and resistance.

According to the assembly's view, Anwar's inacceptability is a form of violation of the principles of the Constitutional Code of Ethics and Conduct of Constitutional Justices.

"Thus, the Honorary Council deems it necessary to give a written warning to the Reported Judge to show his sincere obedience to the Decision of the Honorary Council, in the casu Decision No.2/MKMK/L/2023," concluded Yuliandri.