What Is Gold Kadar 700 And How Much Percent Of Purity?

YOGYAKARTA - Many people ask what 700th grade gold is? Each gold jewelry has a certain code or level that shows its purity. This code is found on the surface of gold as a marker of the authenticity of its products.

The code listed in gold is a good gold level measurement standard for jewelry. For those who buy gold for the first time, maybe still confused with terms such as 700, 9k, 24k, and so on.

For those of you who want to buy gold jewelry, you must understand the code and level. So what are 700 gold levels and the price?

The code 700 on gold is the percentage of pure gold in jewelry. Gold precious metals are often used for various types of jewelry, such as cicin, necklaces, bracelets, and others. Usually jewelry is made with a mixture of other ingredients and gold.

Gold jewelry with code 700 means having a percentage of pure gold of 70%. While the 30% materail is a mixture of other precious metals such as palladium, silver, and zinc. 700 gold levels can be expressed in carat units, ranging from 1 carat to 24 carat. If the percentage of gold or code is getting higher, the value will be even greater.

How to calculate how much the percentage of pure gold on code 700 can be done with the following formula:

n/24 x 100% = percentage of gold

The inclusion of the gold code aims to ensure the authenticity of gold and avoid counterfeiting that is often found. Prospective jewelry buyers can see the code to find out the level of gold purity without having to test it in any other troublesome way.

The term carat in the world of packaging is called the letter 'K' which is usually written behind a certain number. Gold jewelery which has code 700 means equivalent to 17 carats. This size can be known through the formula for calculating the percentage of gold.

17//24 x 100% = 70.8%

The percentage above 700 indicates that the gold belongs to the old gold class. Dark gold is a type of gold that contains at least 50 percent of gold purity. While young gold is a gold class that has a purity level below 50 percent. The purity of old gold is higher than that of young gold.

700 gold has a purity level below 70%, which means the equivalent of gold under 17 carats. Gold jewelry code 700 can be equated with 16 carats and so on. The lower the percentage, the smaller the value.

Every gold jewelry can have different purity levels. So when buying gold at a jewelry store or in the market, make sure to check first for a code that indicates the level of level.

The lowest gold content is calculated in 1K. Gold jewelry with this level contains pure gold about 4 percent. While the other 96 percent were formed from additional metal materials.

Meanwhile, the highest gold content is marked by the code 24K. Gold jewelry with this level contains 99.99 percent pure gold. Gold with 24K levels is usually not in the form of jewelry, but gold bullion.

The following is a list of gold levels along with the percentage of purity that you need to know before buying jewelry:

Demikianlah review dari apa itu emas perkuran 700? Jeweli emas dengan kode angka tersebut menandakan bahwa tingkat kepurnahannya sebanyak 70% dan 30% dari metal lain. Sebagai pembeli emas, pastikan untuk mengecek terlebih dahulu kode atau kadarnya agar bisa memilih sesuai preferenti dan kebutuhan. Baca juga tren dia 2024.

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