KESDM And ERIA Teken MoC Acceleration Of Energy Transition

JAKARTA - The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) together with the President of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) between the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources conducted by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Dadan Kusdiana, with the Chief Operating Officer (COO) ERIA, Koji Hachiyama, at the Office of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Jakarta, Monday, March 25.

Head of the Communication, Public Information Service and Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Agus Cahyono Adi said that the agreement was established to form a framework for cooperation between the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and ERIA to integrate human resources, research, and develop policies in the energy transition to achieve Net Zero Emission (NZE).

"This is part of the follow-up to the Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC) Leaders Joint Statement," Agus said in his statement to the media, Tuesday, March 26.

Agus added that later the field of cooperation that will be implemented is in the form of support for policy development, strategy, plans, and options related to AZEC.

Such as in energy efficiency, carbon trading, developing new and renewable energy, as well as reducing emissions in power plants and electrification in the transportation sector.

"In addition, the cooperation that will be carried out is also related to human resource development and information transfer related to energy transition and supporting technology," he said.

The form of cooperation in the MoC between the two parties to be carried out is as follows. Implementation in the study and policy research that contributes to the acceleration of energy transition efforts. 2. Improvement of development together with the handling of KESDM employees in ERIA as a secondee in ERIA.3. The form of other cooperation decided jointly by the Parties.