BPJT Ensures There Will Be Toll Rates Discounts During The 2024 Eid Homecoming

JAKARTA - The Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) ensures that toll road operators will provide discounts or discounts for the Eid al-Fitr or Eid Al-Fitr 2024 homecoming season.

Member of BPJT Community Elements of the Ministry of PUPR Tulus Abadi said the discount on toll rates would be delivered directly by the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) or the operators of each toll road.

"There may be a toll road that is not free, but given a discount. If it's free, no. Later the one who gives the discount is BUJT or its operator, not the government, later the synergy," he said in the agenda of the Merdeka Barat 9 Forum, at the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo), Jakarta, Monday, March 25.

Furthermore, Tulus said the government could not intervene too much regarding the discount on toll rates. The reason is, this concerns the company's investment.

"The decision to give the discount is (ranah) BUJT. Because this concerns investment of all kinds, the government cannot intervene too deeply related to tariffs because it has been determined," he explained.

Tulus said, the provision of discounts on toll rates aims to stimulate people to travel back and forth for Eid Al-Fitr 2024 early.

"Discounts (toll rates) are given so that people go home first. Don't focus on certain days such as D-4, one of which is stimulated by tariff discounts by Toll Road Business Entities," he said.

Even so, Tulus admitted that he could not confirm which toll roads or when the toll tariff discount would be applied.

The reason is, the decision to give discounts is left to BUJT.

Once again, this competence or authority is a toll road business entity or toll road operator. Not the government. Of course the determination will be discussed," he explained.