THR Eid Al-Fitr 43 Environmental Hygiene Workers In Mukomuko Depending On The Policy Of The Head Of The Service

MUKOMUKO - The Environment Agency (DLH) of Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu Province, is looking for a solution to provide Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri holiday allowances for 43 cleaners within the local government."Kalau sekarang belum ada, cuma kita proses, kita lihat dulu dalam anggaran dinas. Kalau memungkinkan kita koordinasi dengan Pak Kadis," kata Kabid Pengolahan Sampah, Limbah B3 dan Pengendalisian Dinas Lingkungan Kabupaten Mukomuko Agus Suardi di Mukomuko, Antara, Minggu, 24 Maret.A total of 43 cleaners within the local government work based on the Decree (SK) of the Head of the Service and they are paid in a working day system.Even though the janitor works with the daily system and receives a work wage of Rp. 70 thousand per day, they still get job accident guarantees from BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.Regarding the THR for the janitor, he said the allocation of the budget did not exist. Semu depends on the policy of the head of the service to provide THR."In our budget, there is no additional income from the workforce for the janitor. They only receive wages while working, if they don't work they don't get wages," he said.Meanwhile, as many as 43 cleaners were spread across Ipuh District, Pondok Suguh District, Penarik District, XIV Koto District, and Lubuk Pinang District, and Mukomuko City."They work in areas where there are garbage containers belonging to the service. The garbage containers are placed in traditional markets that cooperate with this service," he said.The cleaning staff in this area works from 04.00 WIB until it is finished. They are especially those who work in Mukomuko City District. Each team cleans up trash in a number of places in this area.
DLH Mukomuko in addition to having dozens of officers to clean up trash in the area and has 14-16 containers spread across a number of traditional markets and tourist attractions.