Cut Travel Time Towards Tanjung Lesung, Here's The Serang-Panimbang Toll Road Progress

JAKARTA - Banten is one of the provinces that is often visited by Jabodetabek people for travel. One of the famous tourist attractions in the area is Tanjung Lesung Beach.

In the past, the estimated travel time from the Jakarta area to the beach took up to 5 hours. But now, the problem has been resolved by the construction of the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road.

Quoting the official website of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Ministry of PUPR Serang-Panimbang Toll Road, the trip to Tanjung Lesung Beach is only 2-3 hours.

The Serang-Panimbang Toll Road itself has a total length of 83.67 kilometers (km) and is a National Strategic Project (PSN) which is currently in the construction stage.

"It is hoped that this toll road connectivity can provide economic growth for the community, both from the industrial sector and facilitate the connectivity of tourism areas in Banten Province," said BPJT's statement, quoted on Friday, March 22.

In addition, the presence of the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road is expected to support economic development in the Central Banten area with South Banten which is geographically adjacent to DKI Jakarta.

To note, the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road consists of three sections. First, Section 1 Serang-Rangkasbitung along 26.5 km which has been operating since 2021.

Second, Section 2 of the 24.17 km Rangkasbitung-Cileles with construction progress has reached 55.83 percent.

Third, Section 3A of the 17.46 km Cileles-Bojong with construction progress has reached 68.19 percent, and the 15.54 km Bojong-Panimbang 3B Section has not yet started construction.

Sections 2 and 3A connecting Rangkasbitung-Cileles-Bojong are targeted for completion of construction in 2024.

In addition, BPJT said the Serang Panimbang Toll Road has Type A and Type B Rest and Service (TIP) at KM 70, precisely in Section 1 Serang-Rangkasbitung.