Money Changer For A Safe And Trustworthy East Surabaya

YOGYAKARTA - You live in East Surabaya and are confused about where to exchange the currency? Wow, you guys have to know the list of locations for this East Surabaya money changer! Let's discuss it!

For those of you who want to travel abroad, preparing the country's currency that you will visit is an important matter that must be done. Therefore, you need to exchange money at the nearest money changer.

As is the case in other big cities, in Surabaya there are also several choices of money exchange places or money changers that you can visit. Here are some lists of money changers in East Surabaya that you can visit to exchange your money.

Here are some money changers in East Surabaya that you can refer to foreign money exchange sites.

Money Changer Number

This Money Changer is the only one in the East Surabaya area with the address on Jln. Arief Rachman Hakim No. 51, Ruko 21 Klampis Blok E No. 7, Klampis Ngasem, Sukolilo, East Surabaya, East Java.

This Money Changer number already has a permit from Bank Indonesia to operate legally. Regarding credibility, of course, there is no doubt, with a number of services that are friendly and always offer the best rate.

For those of you as people of East Surabaya who need information on when to open and close, this Money Changer Number will start operating from 09.00 to 17.00, from Monday to Saturday, Sunday Holiday.

Not only providing cheaper exchange rates, but Money Changer Numbers also offer the best and professional service. The number of customers is still not only from the company, but also from outside to students.

Money Changer List In All Surabaya

For additional regression, we will also add a position from all over Surabaya so that your choices will increase.

1. PT Goenadi Valasindo Exemplary

Money changer found in Surabaya next is PT Goenadi Valasindo Teladan. This money changer is located in the Tegalsari area or precisely on Jalan Pandegiling number 50, Keputran, Tegalsari, Surabaya. You can visit this money changer which operates from Monday to Saturday.

2. Two Sides Money Changer Tunjungan

Dua Sisi Money Changer Tunjungan adalah salah satu money changer di Surabaya. Money changer ini terletak di dalam pusat perbelanjaan yaitu di Tunjungan Plaza. Tidak hanya itu, money changer ini juga memiliki gerai lain yang terletak di Jalan Basuki Rahmat, Tegalsari, Surabaya. Lokasinya yang terletak di pusat perbelanjaan membuatnya mudah diakses sekaligus berbelanja.

3. PT Utama Valas

PT Utama Valas can be a money changer option that you can visit if you need to exchange foreign money at night. This is because this money changer operates until 8 pm. The location is located on Jalan Mas Soenjoto number 5, Genteng, Surabaya.

4. Dua Sisi Money Changer Ciputra

In Surabaya, there is also a money changer on the Two Sides of Money Changer Ciputra. The counter is located in Ciputra World, which is located on Jalan Mayjend Sungkono Kavling 89, Lower Ground number 15. 15, Pakis Hamlet, Surabaya. Because it is located in the Ciputra World area, the operating hours of this money changer also follow Ciputra World's operating hours.

In addition, you also need to read: Foreign tourists in Bali Asked not to be tempted by the Money Changer High Rate in order to avoid fraud with a money changer mode.

So after knowing the East Surabaya money changer, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!