Bath Garam Water To Repel Jin Accompanied By How

YOGYAKARTA One of the trusts of the Indonesian people who are still trusted is the bath of salt water to expel jinn. This activity is still being carried out as a way out for invisible disturbances experienced.

In addition to bathing, it is also intended to sprinkle salt around the house or points that are believed to be the nest or rumbah of jinns, stealth, and their compatriots so that they leave. Then does that really happen?

The salt bath ritual for silting the genie was once said by the late Sheikh Ali Jaber on a Muslim Youtube channel Da'wah channel. When he was a guest star, Sheikh Ali Jaber shared how to cure jinns.

"I gave it and this medicine, God willing, is useful for all. You don't have to call Habib, Syekh, Ustaz, you don't have to call anyone, you yourself do it," said Sheikh Ali Jaber.

The way to bathe in salt water to expel the genie, according to Sheikh Ali Jaber, is to mix salt into water. After that, the water is read out with several verses, namely as follows.

"Later, read the salt water, Al Fatihah 7 times, the first five verses of Al Baqarah's letter, a verse of seats 7 times. The last three verses are letter Al Baqarah 284-286, then Al Ikhlas three times, then Al Falaq 3 times, and An Nas three times," said the late Sheikh Ali Jaber.

After finishing, drink a little salt water and the rest is used to wash all over the body while bathing.

The belief of salt being able to expel demons or genies can actually be drawn into the realm of science. Salt has an electromagnetic energy charge capable of producing electric waves. The wave can expel negative loads.

Although it is not really able to expel negative content in the jinn, salt is believed to be able to reduce the intensity of supernatural gangs.

According to the belief that the salt used to expel the genie is rough salt, namely salt whose crystalline grains are larger and rougher than kitchen salt whose texture is smooth like sand. Although in different textures, rough salt and kitchen salt are the same. How to use rough salt to expel the genie is as follows.

In addition to being used for bathing, distributing salt in areas that are considered to be the source of the arrival of jinn disturbances such as the corner of houses, warehouses, or other places.

The use of salt water to relieve negative disturbances of the genie is also used by Feng Shui practitioners. The way to use it is to decorate the floor of the house with salt water as often as possible.

This method is intended as additional protection or some kind of fence to prevent invisible jinn or creatures from entering the area of the house.

In addition to bathing in salt water to get rid of jinn, visit to get other interesting information.