President Violates His Own Presidential Decree If Not Examining COVID-19 Free

JAKARTA - The number of positive patients with the corona virus or COVID-19 has increased. The number of people under surveillance (ODP), patients under surveillance (PDP), and suspects has also increased. Examination is now not only needed by those who have a history of visits or contacts. However, to have an independent examination without a doctor's recommendation, the public has to pay Rp700 thousand.

Based on public unrest, the Indonesian Association of Public Health Experts (IAKMI), Doctor Hermawan Saputra, emphasized that the government should eliminate all costs for people who will examine themselves independently.

Because, if you refer to Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 7 of 2020 concerning the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-2019), all forms of costs in preventive measures and so on are included in the responsibility of the government.

"So far the handling (of the spread) is moving slowly. The situation related to COVID-19 is already categorized as a national disaster. The government must eliminate all costs," Hermawan told VOI, Sunday, March 15.

In conditions of the massive spread of the corona virus, said Hermawan, it would be wrong for the government to still differentiate between someone who has a history of contact or not. Moreover, tracing or contact tracing is currently less effective.

So, eliminating all access to examinations related to COVID-19 is considered the best way to anticipate its spread. The government must coordinate with the BPJS (Social Security Administering Body) for Health to cover the cost of the examination.

Hospitals that accept people related to COVID-19, don't just carry out basic examinations. Supposedly, a thorough examination such as a saliva swap should also be carried out to immediately ensure that someone is infected or not.

By doing this, handling and prevention can be done quickly. In addition, the government must have at least 100 laboratories scattered throughout Indonesia so that it can detect the spread of COVID-19 more quickly.

"The public has the right to check and it is free. The government must coordinate with BPJS to cover costs. Everyone who checks independently must be examined thoroughly. So it is not just a basic examination," said Hermawan.

DKI Pemprov's Step

Quoted from, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan had said that he was ready to bear the burden of examination fees for the people of Jakarta who felt symptoms or had contact with the suspect patient. Although, the issue of costs for positive patients with Covid-19 is indeed the domain or authority of the Central Government.

This was said by Anies during the Socialization of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) Prevention Control and Situation Update with the Director of Hospitals and Medical Personnel in Jakarta, Thursday, March 5.

"So, ladies and gentlemen, about this cost, if BPJS does not bear it, we will arrange for DKI to close it. You must, ladies and gentlemen," said Anies.

In his statement, Anies also emphasized that it is the responsibility of the state and in accordance with the mandate of the constitution to protect every spilled Indonesian blood.

Although, Anis will still coordinate with the Central Government regarding this matter so that there are no mistakes and overstepping authority. So, handling will be faster.

"Because both of them will have problems later, right? Going wrong, wrong. Stepping is also wrong. You are not polite to stepping over. But the point is that Jakarta is ready to become a backup, if it doesn't, then Jakarta will take responsibility. Obviously that is what it is. I can answer, "explained Anies.