PLN EPI Opens Opportunities For Collaboration With Global Gas Partners

JAKARTA - PLN Energi Primary Indonesia (PLN EPI) opens a wide space for collaboration in the development of Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) in Indonesia as a step in achieving the energy transition.

PLN as the energy transition catalyst in Indonesia has planned to increase 80 Gigawatts of electrical energy by 2040. This energy capacity will be filled with new and renewable energy (EBT) of 75 percent or the equivalent of 60 GW and 25 percent or 20 GW and then filled with gas energy.

President Director of PLN Energi Primary Indonesia (PLN EPI) Iwan Agung Firstantara said that the existence of gas energy in the energy transition roadmap is vital to assist the use of EBT which has a weakness of intermittency or the inability to produce energy continuously. Gas plants are considered to be realized quickly in just 3-4 years.

"EBT development is faced with intermittent challenges, therefore the sector that we can access is gas. Gas plants are also classified as power plants that can be quickly built unlike hydro and geothermal," said Iwan in his statement to the media, Thursday, March 21.

Iwan said that PLN's dependence on LNG is also needed to compensate for the decline in domestic pipeline gas production and to meet the increasing electricity needs.

For this reason, he continued, PLN is developing an LNG midstream infrastructure to replace the use of diesel or fossil fuels and to complement the development of renewable energy.

Not only that, Rahmad Dewanto, Director of Gas and BBM PLN EPI added, PLN has chosen the Accelerated Renewable Energy Development (ARED) scenario as an optimum scenario to reduce emissions while maintaining both system reliability and the company's financial continuity.

"Through the ARED, Indonesia's energy transition acceleration will run aggressively. We continue to align the development of gas-based power plants with additional locations of demand spread across Indonesia," said Rakhmad.

Rakhmad continued, that as the only entity interacting with the market, PLN EPI continues to transform itself through contract optimization and infrastructure. Furthermore, PLN EPI continues to increase transparency, efficiency and flexibility through multi-destination contract contracts.

"As a soul of supply for gas and LNG supplies for power plants in Indonesia, we are ready to collaborate with global gas partners to support the energy transition in Indonesia," concluded Rakhmad.