Ganjar: Lawsuit To MK Momentum To Show Credibility After Anwar Usman's Decision
JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate number three, Ganjar Pranowo said the lawsuit on the results of the 2024 presidential election should be a momentum for the Constitutional Court (MK) to show credibility. Especially after the ethical violation committed by former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman.
It is known that Anwar Usman was removed from the position of Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court because he was proven to have violated ethics related to the presidential and vice presidential age lawsuit that benefited Gibran Rakabuming Raka. His nephew is now the vice president elected to accompany Prabowo Subianto.
"And I think this is a very good momentum for the panel of judges who will be in the Constitutional Court to show their credibility after the Constitutional Court's decision was made, after we also saw that the organizers received ethical punishment," said Ganjar at a press conference at the GAMA Command Post, Jalan Teuku Umar, Central Jakarta, Thursday, March 21.
"Of course we have to restore the credibility of our democracy to be much better," he continued.
Ganjar hopes that the Constitutional Court judge who will try the lawsuit against the election results in the future can provide an opportunity for his team to prove a number of frauds he has heard. Thus, the rise of democracy in the future can return.
"For this reason, the team will immediately register it (the lawsuit, ed) and hopefully this will open the veil, and of course we hope that the Constitutional Court will hear this well," said the former Governor of Central Java.
Meanwhile, Mahfud MD, who is the number three vice presidential candidate, stated that his party was not looking for victory through the Constitutional Court. He said the lawsuit was solely to prevent the repeated process of destroying democracy and the law.
"We want to pass on to future generations, there should be no destruction of democracy and the law," Mahfud said on the same occasion.
Karena kalau demokrasi dan hukum dirusak, nanti akan terjadi lagi yang akan datang. Kalau mau pemilu, Anda (yang penting, red) dekat dengan kekuatan dan punya uang. Hanya itu, lalu orang yang biasa, yang hebat-hebat tidak bisa tampil untuk turut mengurus negara, pungkas eks Ketua MK itu.