P21 Dossier, West Kalimantan DGT Hands Over Tax Cases To The Ketapang Prosecutor's Office

The Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) of West Kalimantan (Kalbar) handed over files and suspects with the initials FK in a tax crime case to the Ketapang High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati).

"As a result of the actions taken by the suspect, it caused losses to state revenues of at least Rp. 1,064,449,383," said the Head of the Investigation, Collection, Intelligence and Investigation Division of the West Kalimantan DGT Regional Office at a press conference at the West Kalimantan Attorney General's Office, Thursday, March 21, which was confiscated by Antara.

The suspect in this case is strongly suspected of having committed a criminal act in the field of taxation by not depositing taxes that have been deducted or collected as referred to in Article 39 paragraph 1 letter I, and not submitting a Notification Letter as referred to in Article 39 paragraph 1 letter c of Law Number 28 of 2007 concerning the Third Amendment to Law Number 6 of 1983 concerning General Provisions and Tax Procedures. This act occurred during the period of tax period from January to July 2019, December 2019, and January to May 2020.

"As a result of this action, it is estimated that the loss to state revenues will reach at least Rp1,064,449,383. FK is threatened with imprisonment for a minimum of six months and a maximum of six years, as well as a fine of at least two times the amount of payable taxes that are not or are less paid, and a maximum of four times the amount of payable taxes that are not or less paid," he said.

According to him, the West Kalimantan DGT Regional Office Civil Servant Investigator (PPNS) has confiscated assets belonging to the FK suspect in the form of two vehicles, namely dump trucks and tanker trucks.

The confiscation was carried out in the context of recovering losses to state revenues arising as a result of the tax crime committed by FK. The confiscated goods were then handed over together with the suspect FK to the Ketapang Kejari.

Meanwhile, Acting Head of the West Kalimantan DGT Regional Office, Imam Arifin, added that in handling the tax crime case, the West Kalimantan DGT Regional Office cooperated with the West Kalimantan Regional Police's PPNS Korwas and received support from the West Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office.

They always prioritize the principle of ultimum remedium, namely criminal law as the last resort in law enforcement.

"We thank the West Kalimantan Police Chief as the West Kalimantan Police Korwas/PPNS supervisor and his staff for helping carry out tax law enforcement tasks in the West Kalimantan DGT Regional Office and all PPNS who have worked professionally and synergically," he said.

He hopes that this law enforcement process can have a deterrent effect and as education for taxpayers in the work environment of the West Kalimantan DGT Regional Office to always carry out their tax rights and obligations correctly, completely, and clearly in accordance with applicable regulations.

"Of course, with this matter, we hope that there will be a deterrent effect for the perpetrators and in the future it will be a concern for taxpayers to obey the applicable regulations," he said.

Previously, the submission of the suspect FK along with evidence of a tax crime case to the Ketapang Kejari on March 5, 2024. The case file was declared complete (P-21) by the West Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office on December 14, 2023.