To Maximize Absorption, The Minister Of Agriculture Closes Corn Import Faucet

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) will not recommend a corn import permit to maximize absorption. This is because farmers in many centers are holding big harvests.

"Once again, specifically for corn, we have had a meeting with the parties and we closed the meeting by not importing. Furthermore, Bulog and feed entrepreneurs must absorb it," said Agriculture Minister (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman quoting Antara.

Amran said in an official statement received in Jakarta on Monday that since the price of corn fell, farmers in many places have lost money because they could not cover their investment capital.

Therefore, Amran continued, the policy not to import is a solution as well as a definite solution in maintaining the production and welfare of domestic farmers.

In addition to closing the import tap, the Minister of Agriculture also asked Perum Bulog together with the Association of Livestock Food Companies (GPMT) to immediately maximize absorption so that the price of corn at the farmer level does not fall,

"Don't let Bulog absorb under the HPP (the price of the government purchase). It's a pity that farmers have a mediocre investment capital," said Amran.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Food Crops at the Ministry of Agriculture, Suwandi, stated that as much as 4.05 million tons of farmers' corn production potential must be absorbed by Perum Bulog and feed entrepreneurs who are members of the Association of Livestock Food Companies (GPMT) so that the price does not fall.

Suwandi said that based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), corn harvest in March is estimated to reach 2.29 million tons on 405 thousand hectares of land. Meanwhile, in April, the corn harvest is estimated to reach 1.76 million tons on a land area of 318,000 hectares.

Previously, the President Director of Perum Bulog Bayu Krisnamurthi firmly stated that he was ready to absorb corn from farmers in accordance with the government's purchase price (HPP) which had been set at IDR 4,200 per kilogram (kg).

"Bulog is ready to absorb farmers' corn, the absorption is in accordance with the HPP (government purchase price) of Rp4,200," said Bayu some time ago.

Bayu firmly ensures his commitment to carry out the assignment of government corn reserves (CJP) in accordance with applicable regulations.

He emphasized that if there is corn at a price below the HPP, but meets the quality criteria set, such as a maximum water level of 15 percent, Bulog will be ready to buy the corn at a price of Rp4,200 per kg, no matter how much.