Indonesia Receives 10 Million Bulk Vaccines From Sinovac

JAKARTA - Indonesia received 10 million bulk or raw materials for the vaccine produced by Sinovac. Millions of these raw materials were flown in from China and arrived in the country today.

"This afternoon, Indonesia officially received the arrival of 10 million bulk or raw materials for the COVID-19 Sinovac vaccine from Beijing, China", said Wiku Adisasmito, spokesman for the Task Force on handling the COVID-19 in an online press conference. the Presidential Secretariat YouTube channel, Tuesday, March 2.

With the arrival of 10 million bulk vaccines, currently, 38 million doses of vaccine have been received by the Indonesian government, with details of 35 million doses in the form of raw or bulk materials and 3 million of them finished vaccine doses.

Later, this newly arrived vaccine will be used for the implementation of the second phase of the vaccination program which targets 16.9 million public service workers and 21.5 million elderly.

"Furthermore, the government will continue to receive vaccines from Sinovac until the number reaches 185 million doses", said Wiku.

Not only that, but the government also continues to make efforts to procure vaccines from other producers such as Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Novavax.

"This is the government's effort to protect the public and end the pandemic with a free vaccination program", he said.

As previously reported, the COVID-19 vaccine program in the country since January 13. In the national COVID-19 vaccination program, the government is targeting 181.5 million vaccine targets. They are people aged 18 years and over. Vaccine recipients receive twice the injection dose.

In the first phase, the vaccine is intended for 1.5 million health workers. As of today, health workers who have received the first dose of vaccination are 73.47 percent and the second dose is 29.85 percent.

Then, in the second stage, COVID-19 vaccination is for the elderly and public service workers. The target is 21.5 million elderly and 16.9 million public workers. This program lasts until May.

They are market merchants, educators, religious leaders and counselors, representatives of the people, officials, government, civil servants, the National Army and the Police Force (TNI-Polri), tourism officers, public services, public transportation workers, athletes, and media workers.

Furthermore, the vaccination will be carried out for 63.9 million vulnerable people or people living in areas with a high risk of infection. Then, other communities as many as 77.7 million people. This program will be carried out from April 2021 to March 2022.