Build IKN, Head Of Authority Calls Cooperation With These 4 Countries

JAKARTA - The development of the capital city of the archipelago (IKN) in East Kalimantan has started in 2022. In the construction of a new capital city, the IKN Authority is known to work together and study in several countries. This is to make IKN a smart, green and habitable city.

OIKN chief Bambang Susantono said the four countries in question were Singapore, Kazakhstan, China, and Australia.

Bambang said that his party was working with the Astana City government, Kazakhstan, for several fields, namely the economy, social and cultural exchange between the two cities.

"We also learn from mistakes and also successful things in several countries that can be a reference for us, including for the capital city with Astana Kazakhstan, this is their new capital to move from Almaty to Astana. Then, with Canberra and also Shenzhen," said Bambang in a Hearing Meeting with Commission II of the DPR RI at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, March 18.

Meanwhile, OIKN's collaboration with Canberra City managers is in the form of exchange of urban experts and capacity development for the two cities. Bambang said that his party was working with Shenzhen City, China, in investing and planning the city as a technology center.

"Shenzhen is also interesting because of its extraordinary development from a city of only 30,000 to a city of now 17 million. They are experiencing some things we can learn how they grapple to control their city, so the city remains in good spatial control, yes. This is important for us," he said.

In addition, said Bambang, his party is also collaborating with Singapore to exchange knowledge in building IKN as a sustainable green city.

"Singapore, yes, because they have a good livable city. So, we want them to share with us in terms of knowledge, especially in making a city habitable or livable," he added.