Ema Sumarna's Position As Head Of TAPD Bandung City Digali KPK

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has examined the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Bandung City Ema Sumarna as a witness on Thursday, March 14. Investigators excavated his position as Head of the Regional Government Budget Team (TAPD) at that time."The person concerned is present and confirmed, among other things, related to the position of position in question as Chairman of the Bandung City TAPD," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters in a written statement, Monday, March 18.Ali said as the head of the Bandung City TAPD, Ema could freely discuss money affairs in the area. “ One of them discussed the budget for various projects in the Bandung City Government, ” he said.Previously reported, the KPK confirmed that it was developing a corruption case in the procurement of CCTV related to the Bandung Smart City program. Five suspects have been named from the information gathered.They are the Bandung City Secretary Ema Sumarna with Rianto, Achmad Nugraha, Ferry Cahyadi, and Yudi Cahyadi who are all members of the Bandung City DPRD.
Meanwhile, in the previous case, the Mayor of Yana Mulyana, who has now been removed from being a suspect and tried. He was later sentenced to four years in prison and served his sentence at Sukamiskin Prison, Bandung, West Java.