The Humanoid Robot Figure 01 Powered By ChatGPT Is Claimed To Be Able To Help With Householdwork

JAKARTA - The latest automated humanoid robot powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT has similarities to God's legacy from sci-fi films. Although this new robot is not a killing machine, Figure 01 can perform basic autonomous tasks and have real-time conversations with humans - with the help of ChatGPT.

The company's Figue AI, shared a demonstration video showing how ChatGPT helps the two-legged engine recognize visual objects, plan future actions, and even reflect on its memory.

The Figure 01 camera captures the surrounding environment and sends it to a large language model trained by OpenAI, which then translates the image back into a robot.

The clip shows a man asking humanoids to throw away dirty clothes, wash dishes, and give him something to eat - and the robot does those tasks - but unlike ChatGPT, Figure 01 is more hesitant to answer questions.

With OpenAI, Figure 01 can now have full convergence with people-OpenAI models high-level visual and language intelligence- Figure neural networks deliver fast, low-level, destructive robot actionsEverything in this video is a neural network:

When asked about food by humans, the robot can recognize apples as the only thing that can be eaten on a table

The AI Figure hopes that their first AI humanoid robot will prove capable of doing too dangerous work for human workers and can reduce labor shortages.

Two weeks ago, we announced the Figure + OpenAI joining forces to push for robotic learning constraints, "the founder of Figure, Brett Adcock, wrote on X. Together we are developing a next-generation AI model for our humanoid robots.

Adcock also noted that the robot was not remotely controlled and 'this was filmed at a speed of 1.0x and recorded continuously.'

Comments about it are not controlled may be satire to Elon Musk, who shared a video of the optimus Tesla robot showing off his skills - then it was discovered that a human was operating it remotely.

The AI Figure raised 675 million DOLLARs in May 2023 from investors such as Jeff Bezos, Nvidia, Microsoft, and of course, OpenAI.

"We wish we were one of the first groups to market humanoids," Brett Adcock told reporters last May. Of course those that can really be useful and do commercial activities.

The new video shows Figure being asked to do some tasks by a man - one of which he asked the robot to give him something to eat on the table.

I see a red apple on the plate in the middle of the table, a drying rack with cups and plates, and you stand nearby with your hands on the table, "said Figure.

Adcock said the video shows robotic reasoning using its end-to-end neural network which is a term that uses language learning to train models.

ChatGPT is trained on a large set of data to interact with human users in a conversation.

Chatbots are able to follow instructions in an order and provide detailed responses, similar to how language learning models work in Figure. The robot'shows up' orders and responds with the help of its AI.

However, the latest study put ChatGPT through a war game scenario, finding it opting to attack opponents nearly 100 percent - similar to

The video includes another demonstration with the man asking the robot what he saw on the table in front of him.

Figure replied: 'I saw a red apple on the plate in the middle of the table, a drying rack with cups and plates, and you stand nearby with your hands on the table.'

This robot uses an onboard camera that is connected to large language models to recognize the surrounding environment.