Violators Of The PDP Law Will Be Fined A Maximum Of Two Percent Of The Company's Total Income

JAKARTA - In recent years, Indonesia has experienced a lot of data leakage cases.

Recently, as many as 380,000 Biznet customer data was leaked on dark sites.

Regarding the large number of data leak cases that have emerged, Indonesia itself will begin imposing sanctions in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (UU PDP) in October 2024.

The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology said, with the enactment of the PDP Law in October, companies whose data leaked will begin to be subject to applicable fines.

Then what about the case of data leakage that occurred before the PDP Law took effect?

Director General of Informatics Application Samuel Abrijani Pangerapan said there would be no system of accumulation of fines for cases of previous data leakage.

"So, if the law is once hit by a hammer, it is in effect. What is resolved is the sanction. The sanction cannot be applied because he has to make an adjustment, "said Samuel to the media on Friday, March 15.

The man who is familiarly called Sammy also added that he had handled more than 100 cases, and only recently gave warning sanctions instead of fines.

Meanwhile, the fines that will be given to the company will be determined by a special supervisory agency for the PDP Law, which will be formed later.

In accordance with Article 57 of the PDP Law, violations of the PDP Law can be given sanctions, ranging from written warnings, temporary suspension of processing personal data, deletion or destruction of personal data, to administrative fines.

Sammy said the maximum sanction for violating data leak cases was a fine of two percent of the company's earnings last year.

Sammy also emphasized that the fine imposed was not a matter of money given.

However, he hopes that the company can be more responsible in maintaining the personal data of its customers.

"Considering cyber shopping or fines if there is a leak, now that's roughly. Because the government doesn't need the money, but it takes everyone to obey," he concluded.

The amount of this fine will also be announced publicly.

"Yes, it must be announced. Because the money goes to the government," concluded Sammy.