8 Healthy Foods For Children, Include It In The Open Or Sahur Menu

YOGYAKARTA Preparing food for children often makes parents confused. The reason is that the food that children want is often not in line with the type of healthy food. For example, breaking up with sweet ones, children prefer ice creams to contain sweet potatoes and collangs.

Given that children need nutritious food, parents need to make strategies so that they are met with nutritional needs during growth. Here are the types of healthy foods for children and strategies so that children want to eat more healthy foods.

Yoghurt is a good choice for desserts when breaking the fast or at dawn. But you have to pay attention to the additional sugar content, says Katie Andrews, MS., RD., a childhood nutrition trainer reported by EatingWell, Sunday, March 17. Yoghurt is a filling healthy snack. More importantly, it can meet protein, vitamin D needs, and contain probiotics or good bacteria that are important to maintain the health of the intestines.

Nutrient foods that are nutritious, rich in protein, and tightly coupled with cheap prices, are nuts. You can buy and include in the menu various kinds of nuts. Such as black beans, red beans, peanuts, and beans.

One large egg contains 6 grams of protein and produces vitamins, vitamin B12, and iron. Some eggs are also enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, which help children's brain development. You can process eggs into various dishes. For children under five years old, they can cook orak-arik eggs or filling in a sandwich. As for children who have tried to fast, they can be more varied with egg fillings.

Avocados are full of health benefits and are an easy way to put healthy fat into your child's diet. Avocados are rich in single unsaturated fats, which reduce inflammation and keep cholesterol levels healthy. Well, this avocado is when eaten when suhoor. Because the fat in avocado makes the child full longer.

Sweet potatoes have sweet hope and contain beta carotene that contributes to the body making vitamins A, fiber, potassium. Sweet potatoes also help keep your heart healthy. For children, you can be creative about processing sweet potatoes into delicious food. Such as making rolades, candil porridge, or even making intermediate rice, namely typical Balinese rice from white rice mixed with sweet potatoes.

It's time to replace low-fiber children's snacks with nuts and seeds. You can mix mete beans, walnuts, almonds, cane, and sunflower seeds, Chia seeds, and others. If a tree beans allergy child can replace it with peanuts.

One cup of berries contains 4 grams of fiber and height of vitamin C as well as other antioxidants such as antosianin. Blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries are also lower in sugar than other fruits. Fresh berries can be a delicious snack for children or topies that are delicious for yogurt.

Children and adults need to eat vegetables. If you make a meal or break the meal menu, it would be better to choose vegetables that are varied or of various colors. Green vegetables such as spinach and kale, rich in vitamin K. While vegetables are orange and red, rich in vitamins A and C. For broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower, they contain cancer-fighting compounds and are good for gut bacteria.

Those are the eight healthy foods for children. In addition to entering in the menu especially during the month of Ramadan, you can also include it in your daily life. Strategy so that children love to eat healthy food, first, don't give up. If they are first offered, they refuse, offer again to repeat itself. But don't forget, offer variations. A third strategy, involve children in processing food. Like when cooking or preparing a menu open or sahur.