28.4 Million Jabodetabek Residents Will Go Home For Eid 2024, Ministry Of Transportation: Majority Depart From D-4

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation through the Transportation Policy Agency (BKT) revealed that as many as 28.4 million Jabodetabek residents will go home for Lebaran 2024. Where the majority of residents choose to leave on D-4 Eid Al-Fitr.

Head of BKT Robby Kurniawan said that based on a survey conducted, the potential movement of the Jabodetabek community for Lebaran mudin increased from 2023 which was recorded at 18.3 million people.

Furthermore, Robby said that of the total Jabodetabek people who will go home, the majority or as many as 5.2 million people will depart on D-4 before Eid al-Fitr or April 6.

"So for the day of departure for Jabodetabek there is a difference with the national one, where for the reference the traveling community starts from D-4 which is the highest," he said in a virtual press conference, Sunday, March 17.

In addition, Robby said the potential for a fairly high public departure also occurred in D-3 ahead of Eid Al-Fitr as many as 4.13 million people. Then, D-2 as many as 3.78 million people.

Meanwhile, continued Robby, the peak of the return day or return of the Jobodetabek community from their hometown is expected to occur on D+3 Lebaran with a total of 6.12 million people.

While the remaining 3.31 million people in Jabodetabek, continued Robby, will return to D+7 Lebaran or April 18, 2024.

"So the peak is Sunday or the last day before they return (work) to the office," he explained.

Robby also explained that the Jabodetabek people chose to go home from 07.00 to 09.59 WIB at the peak of the homecoming flow.

Meanwhile, when he returned from his hometown, on average he chose to leave from 07.00 to 09.59 WIB as well.

Furthermore, Robby also explained that the majority of travelers tend to choose to use public transportation to return to their hometowns.

"The selection (of homecoming transportation) is the same nationally, the possibility of trains, then buses, private cars, motorbikes, and crossings," he said.

The details are 8.26 million Jabodetabek residents choose to use inter-city trains. Then, 7.89 million chose to leave by bus. Then, 4.27 million in private cars. Furthermore, 2.56 million in two-wheeled vehicles or motorcycles, and 1.63 million by ferry.