MKMK Holds Initial Session For Examination Of Alleged Violations Of The Constitutional Court Judge's Code Of Ethics

JAKARTA - The Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) held a preliminary examination hearing for reporters of reports of alleged violations of the code of ethics and behavior of Constitutional Justices.

The trial was held closed online at Building II of the Constitutional Court (MK) for approximately two hours. The judges who attended were I Dewa Gede Palguna, Ridwan Mansyur, and Yuliandri. "We asked for an explanation from the evidence submitted, then also so that it could be arranged systematically as well, whether they would provide additional evidence or not. So, it has not yet entered into substance," said Palguna when met at Building II MK, Central Jakarta (Jakpus), Friday, March 15, was confiscated by Antara. He said, there were five reporters called, namely advocate Zico Leonard Djagadarddo Simanjuntak who reported Judge Anwar Usman, Alvon Pratama Sitorus and Junaidi Malau who also reported Anwar Usman, Andi Rahadian from the Constitutional Sahabat who reported Judge Saldi Isra, Andika Ujitara and Andu Sutan Abdillah Harahap from the Fair Youth Alliance who reported Judge Arief Hidayat, and Harjo Winoto and Erwin Ramedhan who reported Anwar Usman, Arief Hidayat, and former Judge MK Wahiduddin Adams. In addition, three Constitutional Judges who became reported, namely Arief Hidayat, Saldi Isra, and Anwar Usman were also summoned.

However, said Palguna, only Saldi Isra was able to attend on Friday afternoon March 15 because Arief Hidayat was on duty abroad and Anwar Usman was sick. One of the reporters, advocate Zico, underwent an online trial. He said the agenda at this trial was to read out the articles of the report he submitted.Zico filed two reports, namely regarding Anwar Usman's statement in a press conference in November 2023, and second, regarding Anwar Usman's lawsuit asking for Suhartoyo's appointment decision as the new chairman of the Constitutional Court to be declared invalid. After reading the report, Zico said the next agenda was to summon an expert witness. However, he chose not to summon an expert witness after receiving advice from the Constitutional Court Judge so that the report could be completed before the reporting period of the General Election Res Result Dispute (PHPU) case or election dispute.. If I do, however, have agreed with them. I also don't think my report is complicated, right. To the point really," he said.

Dengan demikian, agenda selanjutnya dijadwalkan pemanggilan pihak terlapor Anwar Usman untuk memberikan keterangan, dan kemudian adalah pembacaan putusan. Namun, kata Zico, jadwal tersebut bisa saja berubah mengingat Anwar Usman juga memiliki hak untuk memanggil saksi ahli.Selain Zico, Andi Rahadian dari Sahabat Konstitusi juga mengikuti persidangan dengan agenda membacakan laporan. Ia mempersoalkan dissenting opinion Saldi Isra dalam Putusan 90/PUU-XXI/2023 tentang syarat batas usia calon presiden (capres) dan calon wakil presiden (cawapres).Berbeda dengan Zico, Andi diminta memberikan keterangan lebih lanjut dan melengkapi barang bukti.

"Earlier, Mr. Palguna asked for clarification on that matter, then we brought the evidence. The evidence was requested to be completed later on Monday (March 18)," he said.