Minister Of Agriculture Amran: There Is No Use Of Meetings If Farmers Suffer

JAKARTA - Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman asked Perum Bulog and feed entrepreneurs who are members of the Association of Livestock Food Companies (GPMT) to immediately absorb farmers' corn so that prices do not fall.

"I want to say we have no point in holding a meeting if the farmers are still suffering. Don't scream loudly but the price falls, don't blow up, just talk. So once again, it's time for us to help farmers do the absorption," Amran said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, March 14.

Amran revealed that corn farmers complained that the price was currently falling. In fact, farmers' corn prices can touch Rp. 2,500 per kilogram, while the government purchase price (HPP) set is Rp. 4,200 per kg.

Amran said the decline in corn prices at the farmer level occurred because they were currently entering the main harvest.

Therefore, now is the right time for Bulog and businessmen to help farmers to get certainty over corn absorption.

"The association of corn is how to direct directly to farmers, Bulog also goes directly to the farmers so that in the future prices will be raised again. Our dream is that the farmers are profitable, the traders also smile, GPMT is happy, the farmers are also happy," said Amran.

He said Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), national corn production from January to April is estimated to reach 5.3 million tons. The peak of the harvest occurred in March, reaching 2.3 million tons.

For this reason, Amran asked Perum Bulog to carry out maximum absorption. At least 500 thousand tons of farmers' corn can be absorbed quickly.

"I ask for help from all Kadis, Bulog, and businessmen, this flag is one. Absorb corn now," said Amran.

Amran also ordered all Heads of the Indonesian Agriculture Service to oversee this year's corn harvest so that in the future there will be no more import policies. For the Minister of Agriculture, imports are not a solution because currently farmers are screaming for certainty and price stability.

"I ordered all Kadis to guard. Moreover, the current price is falling. Please love farmers who continue to produce. It's time for us to help the people, and we have to help farmers," said Amran.

Director General of Food Crops at the Ministry of Agriculture, Suwandi, said that currently there are approximately 1 million corn produced by farmers which must be absorbed quickly.

The corn centers that must be harvested are in the centers of East Java, Central Java, Lampung, NTB, South Sulawesi and West Sulawesi. All must be absorbed because this is our momentum to provide profit to farmers," he explained.

The meeting was attended by representatives of GPMT, Bulog, Head of the All-Indonesian Service, National Food Agency, Food Task Force, and other elements of corn absorption stakeholders.