Inpex Completes Masela Block Amdal Survey

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) together with the Inpex Masela Cooperation Contract Contract Contractor (KKKS), Ltd. successfully completed additional field survey activities as part of continuing the process of approval of the Environmental Impact Analysis document (Amdal).

This survey includes additional data from observations of coral reef ecosystems and the results of aspiration resolutions representing Southwest Maluku (MBD).

This process involves active participation from the Community and academics from the MBD who are active at Pattimura University (UNPATTI).

These results will be integrated in the revision of the Environmental Impact Analysis (Dalal) document and the Environmental Management Plan Environmental Monitoring Plan (RKL-RPL).

Head of the SKK Migas Program and Communication Division, Hudi D. Suryodipuro, said that SKK Migas had also received the handover of the land acquisition results for a non-forest area covering an area of approximately 28.9 hectares for the construction site of one of the LNG Abadi project facilities from the Land Procurement Committee (P2T) Team from the Maluku BPN Regional Office on February 19, 2024 in Ambon, Maluku Province as a form of contribution in supporting the smooth running of the project.

"SKK Migas INPEX has started a series of onshore Geological and Geophysical (G&G) and intertidal survey activities (ups and downs) since February 2024. This activity also involves a number of local workers to support its implementation," Hudi said in a statement to the media, quoted March 13.

Hudi said, in the near future, SKK Migas and Inpex plan to carry out an offshore G&G survey involving selected contractors as further steps to ensure the sustainability and success of this project.

Hudi further added that Inpex is currently carrying out studies with third parties related to the scope of CCS which is an important component in the LNG Abadi project, including a follow-up study of CCS Abadi Phase 1 regarding the Top Seal, Fault Seal and 3D Geomechanics, a follow-up study of CCS Abadi Phase 2 regarding the Reservoir Engineering Scope, and a planned CO2 Injection Pipeline study to be completed in 2024.

Head of the SKK Migas Program and Communication Division, Hudi D. Suryodipuro, said that SKK Migas encourages INPEX to be able to take various steps and efforts to ensure that what is planned can be carried out according to the set time.

"We appreciate the strong commitment from INPEX to carry out the execution of the existing program so that currently there have been many positive developments in the progress of the project," continued Hudi.

He added that SKK Migas also continues to encourage Inpex to be more active in coordinating so that projects with investments of US$20.9 billion or around Rp324 trillion can be on stream in 2029.

Asal tu saja, Inpex has started the procurement stage for components of the LNG Abadi project facility, including FEED FPCI for Onshore LNG and FPCI for FPSO, FEED SURF and FEED GEP.

The announcement regarding the prequalification process was published through the CIVD (Centralized Integration Vendor Database) - SKK Migas system. Currently, INPEX is conducting an evaluation process on the prequalification proposal that has been received.

With the estimated annual LNG production volume which can reach 9.5 million tons per year, the LNG Abadi Project is expected to become the main pillar in increasing Indonesia's energy security, as well as providing a stable supply of clean energy in the long term.

"The CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) component in the project can also be an important element in supporting efforts to achieve the zero goal of Indonesia's CO2 emissions in 2060," concluded Hudi.