Bappenas: B Corp Certification Proof Of Commitment Of Indonesian Companies Capai SDGs

JAKARTA - The Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas assesses that B Corporation (B Corp) certification is one proof of the commitment of dozens of companies in Indonesia in implementing and realizing or achieving the target of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

"B Corp's certification also increases higher competition in the global market, which will bring benefits to companies and governments," said Middle Expert Planner of the Directorate of Financial Services and BUMN of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas Rosy Wediawaty, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 12.

For example, he continued, by increasing export competitiveness and improving the quality of Indonesian products through responsible business operations.

B Corp certification is a global certification for organizations or companies that have high standards in running their businesses both from the social, environmental and employment aspects, and have implemented public transparency and have good accountability in balancing profit and social goals.

Therefore, Rosy considers that this certification has an impact on environmental aspects, government, workers, consumers and communities.

"We see B Corp can increase the concern of the private sector in achieving SDGs," said Rosy.

B Corp's certification was issued by B Lab, a global nonprofit organization from the United States. To date, more than 8,250 companies have managed to get this certification worldwide.

These companies are spread across more than 96 countries and are engaged in 162 different industrial fields. Community B Corp has experienced significant growth from year to year, the number of B Corp communities in ASEAN has doubled from 27 companies in 2022 to 51 companies in 2023.

In Indonesia alone, there are 23 companies that have B Corp certified and are filled with the names of large companies that are known to have a vision to contribute to more sustainable Indonesian development such as: Danone Indonesia, PT DCI Indonesia, SukkhaCitta, Tracein, and Potato Head.

As one of Indonesia's companies that has received B Corp certification since 2018, Danone Indonesia CEO Laurent Boussier said that the certification had encouraged his company to carry out various initiatives related to corporate governance, transparency, sustainability, and employee welfare.

"We have a big vision to be able to build a healthier future for Indonesia while remaining responsible for environmental sustainability," he said.