Tangerang City Government Prepares 430 Lapak For Temporary Village Of Traders

TANGERANG - The Tangerang City Government (Pemkot), Banten, has prepared 430 stalls at two temporary shelter locations, namely Mambo Market and South Anyar Market for Anyar Market traders related to revitalization by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR).

Director of Perumda Pasar Tangerang City Titien Mulyati in Tangerang, Tuesday, said that at Mambo Market there were 136 tents or stalls and the South Anyar Market was available 294 stalls.

"The two temporary shelter locations are ready to be inhabited by traders from Anyar Market, Tangerang. Physically, they are ready to just enter the merchant," said Tietin in his statement.

Tietin also said that the water and electricity requested by the traders had also been provided. Then the tents or stalls are built quite semi-permanent with iron and wooden barriers. "The toilets are all ready. Traders just need to move," said Titien.

Tangerang City Regional Secretary (Sekda) Herman Suwarman appealed to Anyar Market traders, including Street Vendors (PKL) to immediately move to a new location that has been provided.

The City Government has provided a more feasible and representative temporary place for traders, namely Mambo Market and South Anyar Market. This new location is expected to increase the comfort and income of traders," said Secretary Herman in his statement.

He said accelerating the transfer of traders to temporary locations could accelerate the revitalization work carried out by the Ministry of PUPR.

"If there are still traders who do not want to move after the specified deadline, they will be demolished and fenced directly," he said.

The Regional Secretary hopes that traders and the community will continue to support the efforts of the Tangerang City Government in managing Anyar Market.

"We hope that with cooperation and collaboration, we can create a more feasible and better Anyar Market," he said.