Bogor Regency Government Bans Operational Nightclubs During Ramadan

BOGOR - The Bogor Regency Government, West Java, has issued a Circular (SE) prohibiting the operation of Night Entertainment Places (THM) in the area during Ramadan 1445 Hijri.

Head of the General Order Division of the Bogor Regency Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP), Rhama Kodara, in Cibinong, Bogor, Monday, March 11, revealed that the ban applies to all THM without exception, including karaoke places, massage parlors, and others.

"During the month of Ramadan, it must be closed. It is not limited (operational hours), but it must be closed," said Rhama.

He emphasized that entrepreneurs are obliged to heed the SE issued by the Acting Regent of Bogor, Asmawa Tosepu. Satpol PP will forcibly close night entertainment venues that are desperate to operate.

"First, we just close it, if you are still annoying later from Gakda, PPNS will enter, later the permits will be like all checked," he said.

Rhama explained that a few days before Ramadan 1445 Hijriah, the Bogor Regency District Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimcam) also socialized the THM operational ban during Ramadan.

"The sub-district has received a circular letter from the Acting Regent, a socialization letter to entrepreneurs, from now on, the socialization has been carried out, at least it's just a matter of waiting for the implementation to pass," he said.

Thus, there is no reason for THM entrepreneurs to disrespect and maintain worship order in the Holy Month of Ramadan.

"Essentially, if all of them are socialized by the sub-district, but during Ramadan we will still be found operating (THM), we will close it with a temporary seal, so that there is no activity," said Rhama.

He also stated that in addition to overseeing nightclubs, the Bogor Regency Satpol PP will also conduct raids on the circulation of liquor (alcohol) during Ramadan.

The impact of the ban on the operation of night entertainment venues during Ramadan for employees who work in these places can be very significant. These employees will lose their sources of income during the prohibition period, which could have an impact on their financial lives and their families.

It is hoped that the local government or charitable institutions can provide emergency financial assistance for THM employees affected by the operational ban.

The government or non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can organize a apprenticeship program or training to help THM employees gain new skills or temporary work during the prohibition period.