Golkar Party Wins In East Kalimantan, Five Incumbents Keep Seats In The Indonesian House Of Representatives

The General Election Commission (KPU) of East Kalimantan Province (Kaltim) has completed the recapitulation of votes for the election of members of the DPR RI. The results of the plenary show that the five incumbents managed to defend their seats, while the other three seats will be occupied by a new face.

"We will submit the plenary results for the recapitulation at the Indonesian KPU nationally," said the chairman of the East Kalimantan KPU, Fahmi, in Samarinda, Monday, March 11.

Based on the results of the plenary recapitulation of the candidate vote count for the DPR RI at the provincial level of East Kalimantan, the Golkar Party led the vote with a total of 538,147 votes. Rudi Mas'ud and Hetifah Sjaifudian managed to return to Senayan with 168,818 and 146,023 votes respectively.

Furthermore, PDI-P was represented by Safaruddin with 68,312 votes out of a total of 252,714 party votes and legislative candidates. The Gerindra Party sent G. Budi Satrio Djiwandono with 131,558 votes from the total party votes and legislative candidates as many as 307,259.

PKB managed to get its seat through Syafruddin who won 86,048 votes out of a total of 143,852 party votes and legislative candidates. The NasDem Party secured seats with Nabil Husein Said Amin Alrasydi who received 82,029 votes from the total party votes and 227,803 candidates.

PKS and PAN, each represented by Aus Hidayat Nur with 34,957 votes and Edy Oloan Pasaribu with 34,128 votes, also managed to qualify for parliament. The two parties each pocketed a total party and legislative votes of 145,538 and 111,141 votes.

With the allocation of eight seats for the Electoral Region of East Kalimantan, the Golkar Party is confirmed to have two seats in the DPR RI.

The three incumbent candidates of the DPR RI who failed to qualify based on the results of the plenary recapitulation of the votes of the East Kalimantan KPU were Awang Faroek Ishak from the NasDem Party, Andhika Hasan from the PDI-P, and Irwan from the Democratic Party.

"Through the plenary recapitulation of votes at the provincial level, we are committed to holding all transparent and accountable stages of elections, ensuring that every vote is counted and every seat is allocated according to the will of the people," said Fahmi Idris.

The incumbent candidate for the DPR RI for the East Kalimantan electoral district who will again qualify, Hetifah Sjaifudian, congratulated his colleagues who were elected as members of the DPR RI.

"I hope these representatives of the people can represent and fight for the aspirations of the people of East Kalimantan more broadly and effectively," he said.

Hetifah, who will enter her third term, emphasized her commitment to continue to advance East Kalimantan. The main focus is on developing education, tourism, youth, sports, culture, creative economy, as well as increasing literacy and access to libraries.

He is also committed to the continuation of the aspiration distribution program, including scholarships and educational assistance, which has had a positive impact on the community.

Furthermore, Hetifah emphasized her support for the development of the capital city of the archipelago, which she hopes will be a symbol of progress and pride for East Kalimantan and Indonesia as a whole.

"With the spirit of collaboration and synergy, we are optimistic that the 2024-2029 period will bring significant progress to East Kalimantan and a greater contribution to Indonesia," he said.