Baby Girl's Body Found In Sentani Trash, Police Suspect It's Been More Than A Day

JAYAPURA - A baby girl was found dead in a trash can on Jalan Tabita Sentani, Jayapura Regency, Saturday, March 9.

Jayapura Police Chief AKBP Fredrickus WA Maclarimboen said the baby was found by environmental janitors while working to transport garbage

"It is true that the baby's body was found which was known to be a woman," said Fredrickus in his statement, Sunday, March 10.

Kasat Reskrim AKP Sugarda said that the baby was deliberately thrown away by her parents. He suspected that the baby had died more than a day.

"It is suspected that the baby was deliberately thrown away and it is estimated that it has been more than 1 day," he said.

He also said that apart from finding the baby's body, his party found evidence in the form of 3 clothes and a plastic bag.

"The results of the processing were found in 1 black plastic bag, 3 white baby wrap, blue dongker picture flowers and plain purple clothes," he said.

Currently, the baby's body has been taken to Bhatangkara Hospital, Jayapura. The goal is to take further action.

"We have evacuated at the hospital. Bhayangkara, for further investigation and investigation, who is the parent who has the heart to throw away the baby," he concluded.