Andhara Early Still Trying To Make Peace With Anxiety Disorders

JAKARTA - Artist Andhara Early revealed that she is still trying to make peace with the anxiety disorder or excessive anxiety disorder within her since a few years ago. One way he has done to be able to make peace and control the anxiety is to write it down in a private journal. He tries to keep writing down every question of concern he feels. "The point is that we have to make peace, we can make peace. That feeling starts (less anxious) so what I'm afraid of, for example, I'm afraid of being high, I'm afraid to be high, if I'm afraid of falling, why? I'm afraid to fall? That's why do I keep asking until finally 'oh, it's okay'," said Andhara Early in the Karet Semanggi area, South Jakarta, not long ago. "Yes (writing anxiety in the book) until now it's still if there's still something that I still have, it's better for me to write," he continued. According to Andhara, this is one of the most effective ways to help him in minimizing excessive anxiety that comes at an inappropriate moment.

"This journal, so that we can unravel the chaos we are feeling," he explained. "It really helps by writing we can express our emotions. If we write, there are emotions that are depressed from the pen. It's the same difference if we type, if we are angry, the writing is also deeper. If you're happy, there are pictures," he concluded.