Ketum PBNU Tegaskan Penghapusan Sidang Isbat Tak Bisa Dilakukan Tiba-tiba

Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board KH Yahya Cholil Staquf emphasized that the abolition of the isbat trial could not be carried out suddenly because the isbat trial had become a provision stipulated through government regulations.

"The abolition of the isbat trial cannot be suddenly. For example, the Minister of Religion suddenly said that this year there was no trial for isbat, of course we will also protest because this has become a rule," said Gus Yahya in a written statement reported by ANTARA, Saturday, March 9.

He delivered the statement in response to the discourse on removing the isbat session submitted by the General Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah, Abdul Mu'ti, who stated that the abolition of the isbat trial would save the state budget.

"The trial has become a rule, so if there is a proposal for eliminating, the elimination process needs a long process," he said.

According to him, this isbat session was held to maintain community harmony during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr.

"This trial was held with the aim of keeping the harmony of society maintained in Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr," he said.

Gus Yahya emphasized that PBNU will continue to follow the procedures and results of the isbat trial set by the government.

"We stick to the view that the beginning of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr was determined based on the results of rukyat hilal," he said.

For this reason, NU still respects and will follow the provisions of the results of the isbat session organized by the government.

"NU kiai bahkan mengatakan tidak boleh mengumumkan pandangan yang berbeda dari pemerintah kalau sudah ada penetapan isbat dari pemerintah," katanya.

On the occasion of heading to Ramadan, Gus Yahya also asked the community to increase spirituality and avoid lectures that contain provocations during the month of Ramadan.

"Let's take advantage of this month of Ramadan to increase our spiritual efforts," he said.

Previously, the Tarjih Council of Muhammadiyah Central Executives had announced the beginning of Ramadan fasting on March 11, 2024, while the new government would hold an initial session of Ramadan 1445 H on March 10, 2024.

"The trial will decide whether this year's Ramadan fasting will start on March 11 or 12," said Ministry of Religion spokesman Anna Hasbie.