WIKA Wants To Be A Pioneer And Leader Of The Implementation Of ESG In The Construction Industry

JAKARTA - PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (WIKA) is committed to continuing to contribute in realizing sustainable construction. This is an effort to implement governance of Environment, Social, and Government (ESG) companies.

"This commitment is evidenced by WIKA's success as a BUMN Karya with an ESG Risk Rating 29.8 (medium) or the best in the industry based on the results of the calculation of Sustainalytics.com," said WIKA President Director Agung Budi Waskito quoting Antara.

Agung said that WIKA is committed to implementing sustainability policies and creating long-term value through sustainable practices in all businesses, as well as integrating strategy and activities into responsibility for the Environment, Social, and Company Governance (ESG).

"WIKA must be a pioneer and leader in implementing the ESG in the construction industry. With the implementation of the ESG which is increasingly leading, WIKA will be able to maintain trust and achieve stakeholder support for every step taken," said Agung.

He continued, WIKA has implemented ESG principles, making it an Environmental Champion Company, a Social Caring Company, and a Company with Good Governance Company.

In addition, he continued, WIKA implemented the ESG at a local wisdom-based leadership center called WIKASATRIAN, which is located strategically between three mountains, namely Mount Salak, Mount Pangrango, and Mount Geulis.

"This unique potential makes WIKASATRIAN a place of biological cultivation typical of West Java, as well as a place to interact and learn from all elements in the surrounding world," said Agung.

For commitments and concrete actions in strengthening ESG principles, the company won appreciation and appreciation from various credible institutions in the fields of the environment, social, and corporate Governance (GCG) at the end of 2023.

"This proves that ESG in WIKA is not limited to fulfilling ethical obligations, but is an integral strategy to achieve business growth based on sustainability values," said Agung.

Part of the company's commitment to Renewable Energy, WIKA has implemented various Renewable Energy Projects in recent years including PLTP Lumut Balai 1 & 2 which has a capacity of 110 MW, PLTS SIT Malang with a capacity of 1.5 MWp, PLTS Rooftop and Cold Storage Solar Rooftop with a capacity of 5.6 MWp, as well as conversion of fishing machines from diesel to LPG.

"Thanks to the sales productivity, WIKA experienced an increase in gross profit in the second quarter of 2023 with a figure of Rp. 779.04 billion," said Agung.

Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono revealed that the ESG principle has been applied in the construction of the State Capital or IKN Nusantara, East Kalimantan.

"In my opinion, we have carried out the implementation of ESG at IKN Nusantara," said Minister Basuki.