Searches For Cargo Planes That Crashed In Binuang Continued

Pangdam VI/Mulawarman Major General TNI Tri Budi Utomo ordered local TNI soldiers to provide assistance in the search for PC 6 (Pilatus Porter) aircraft belonging to the Smart Air airline to Tarakan Binuang, Central Krayan, who lost contact on Friday (8/3).

"By deploying the BKO Koopsdam VI/Mlw helicopter type Bell-412EPI No.Reg.Ha-5224," said Tri Budi as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, March 9.

The joint team from the TNI, namely the heli crew, including Major Cpn Luthfi Dian Pambudi, First Lieutenant Cpn Mutjiono, Sergeant Soffan Yusuf, Sergeant Mukti Ary and the Basarnas Team, including Mashuri, Hamzah, Fajar, Yusdi, Rangga and Muzfadi, began their search Friday (8/3) at 16.45 WITA with the Tarakan-Binuang-Area-Malinau route.

At around 17.45 WITA, the Joint Team Heli approached the Australian ELT CO N 03 44.15 E 115 55.75 but was covered by clouds. The helicopter then proceeds to the Singaporean ELT CO N 03 44.16 E 115 50.89 Point.

Then at around 17.55 WITA the joint team's helicopter arrived at the Singapore ELT Point and surrounded the point twice but there were no signs of plane debris.

Then the helicopter returned to Malinau and at 18.35 WITA landed in Malinau safely.

Danramil 0911-06/Krayan Captain Inf Joan explained that the search for the Pilatus Pc6 aircraft belonging to Smart Air was continued on Saturday (9/3) at 09.00 WITA.

Today's search will focus on three targets including Point 1 CO N 03 42.90 E 115.54 Point 2 CO N 03 42.98 E 115.09 Point 3 CO N 03 42.77 E 115 55.89 take off at 09.00 WITA from Malinau to Binuang then heading to the three points if the weather allows.

The plane crash incident from PTSmart Aviation Type PC 6 (Pilatus Porter) PK-SNE registration route for Tarakan City - Binuang (Central Krayan District) Nunukan Regency and Malinau Regency, North Kalimantan Province.

The plane was piloted by Captain M Yusuf and EOB Deni, took off from Tarakan's Juata Airport at 08.25 WITA carrying a cargo cargo cargo of 583 kg and estimated landing at Binuang at 09.25 WITA.

The last PK-SNE Smart plane was in contact with Tarakan Approach (APP) at 08.55 WITA in the Malinau area with an altitude of 9000 feet.

Based on the Singapore ELT signal, the aircraft is estimated to be in the position of 3 deg.44'10.00 "N 115 deg 50'53.58"E with a distance of 10 km to Binuang Airport (3 deg46'27.14"N 115 deg51'23.74"E).

For this incident, Airnav Tarakan has carried out Detresfa Detresfa Detresha Detresha Detresha Detresha Detresha Detresha Detresterateraterateratera need immediate assistance and is coordinating with Basarnas, BMKG, PT. Smart Aviation, Tarakan MAF and coordinating with other relevant parties and officials.

Another step that has been sought by holding an emergency meeting at 14.00 WITA at the Rivalia Long Bawang Krayan Hotel Lobby led by the Head of BPBD Nunukan Regency Arif Budiman followed by Camat Krayan Ronny Firdaus, Danramil 0911-06/Krayan Captain Inf Joan, Kapolsek Krayan, Ipda Adi Yanto Ferdian and 2 members of BPBD to plan assistance in the search for Smart PK-SNE aircraft.