Aceh Police Issues DPO Suspect Of Election Cheating In Kuala Lumpur
BANDA ACEH - Investigators from the General Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Aceh Police issued a wanted list (DPO) for the alleged election crime that occurred at the Kuala Lumpur Embassy in Indonesia (KBRI), Malaysia.
Head of Public Relations of the Aceh Police, Kombes Joko Krisdiyanto, said the DPO was on behalf of Masduki Khamdan Muchamad, aged 30, a resident of Jeulingke, Syiah Kuala District, Banda Aceh City.
"This DPO was issued by the Aceh Police based on a request for assistance from the Directorate of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri because the person concerned has his address at Jalan Rawa Sakti Barat, Jeulingke, Syiah Kuala District, Banda Aceh City," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 8.
The determination of the DPO was because Masduki Khamdan Muchamad was suspected of committing an election crime by deliberately adding or reducing the voter list after a fixed voter list (DPT) was determined.
"The perpetrator's actions violated Article 545 and/or Article 544 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning elections. The crime occurred in the period of June 2023. The determination of the DPO was at the request of the Criminal Investigation Police because the perpetrator had his address in Aceh," he said.
The DPO with the characteristics of straight short hair, mature sawo skin, sleek skin, and height is estimated at 170 centimeters.
The Regional Police appealed to people who know or know the whereabouts of the DPO to immediately report it to the nearest police station or could also contact investigators at 0822-1990-2006.
"The person concerned should immediately surrender himself to follow the applicable legal process. The DPO status is issued until the person concerned is caught or surrendered. The police will continue to search for the whereabouts of the DPO," said Joko.