BPH Migas Tests Information Technology-Based Recommendation Letter

JAKARTA - The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) conducted a trial of the application for issuing information technology-based recommendation letters for the purchase of certain types of fuel oil (BBM) and special fuel assignments (JBKP) in Sidoarjo, East Java.

Member of the BPH Committee Migas Abdul Halim said, with the application for issuing recommendation letters based on information technology, users will certainly get the convenience of getting JBT or subsidized fuel and JBKP or compensation fuel.

The trial is the implementation of Regulation of BPH Migas Number 2 of 2023 concerning Issuance of Recommended Letters for Purchase of Certain Types of Oil Fuel (BBM) (JBT) and Types of Assignment Special Fuel (JBKP).

"In addition, the use of this application is also so that the distribution of subsidized fuel is right on target," said Halim as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 8.

According to Halim, through information technology, the issuer agency for recommendation letters and user consumers is easier and faster in managing recommendation letters.

In addition, the management of the recommendation letter is also free of charge.

"We make sure that users' consumers have no trouble submitting recommendation letters for consumer interests, of course in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 191 of 2014 concerning Provision, Distribution, and Retail Selling Prices of Oil Fuel," he explained at gas stations, Sidokare, Sidoarjo.

This information technology is an integrated application between BPH Migas, local government, and assignment business entities.

"Today we are demonstrating the application of recommendation letters and questions and answers. We are doing it together with local governments and users so that they know what the process is like, so that in its implementation there will be no problems," said Halim.

Wahyudi Anas added that this activity is to educate the publisher of recommendation letters in collecting data on users.

"How to use the application for issuing valid and correct recommendation letters, as well as how to purchase subsidized fuel using a recommendation letter equipped with a QR code," he said.

He said the recommendation letter application was a tool to integrate the purchase of subsidized fuel and state compensation to the public so that it was more measurable and well documented, so that it was right on volume, right on benefits, and right on target in the community.

"The target is to achieve JBT and JBKP for users in related sectors in accordance with their targeted designation, right on volume," he explained. Meanwhile, BPH Migas BBM Director Sentot Harijady BTP said the activity was the right momentum to provide procedures for recommendation letter publishers, namely local governments and also consumer users so that they can test and activate accounts.

"Because this is an integrated joint supervision of the local government and BPH Migas, the regional government is even more active if there are obstacles in issuing recommendation letters and can contact us or report them to our helpdesk," he said.

Head of the Sidoarjo Regency MSME Cooperative Service, Edi Kurniadi, hopes that the application can assist local governments in issuing recommendation letters.

He hopes that subsidized fuel can be distributed appropriately to users, especially for micro-enterprises in Sidoarjo Regency.

PSO Senior Officer of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Arif Wahyu explained that his party is grateful that it has succeeded in integrating data with BPH Migas, so that the QR code can be used by users.

The activity was also attended by the Head of the Sidoarjo Regency Food and Agriculture Service, Eni Rustianingsih, Head of the Sidoarjo Regency Transportation Service Benny Airlangga Yogaswara, representatives of the Sidoarjo Regency Cooperatives and Micro Enterprises Office, the Fisheries and Marine Service, and the Sidoarjo Regency Social Service.