Natural Phenomenon In March 2024: From The Main Qualification Of The Sun To The Moon Of The Micro Full Moon

YOGYAKARTA In March 2024 there will be several natural phenomena. Several natural phenomena will have an impact on environmental conditions, including tidal flooding. The following is a natural phenomenon in March 2024.

The following natural phenomena occur naturally due to the annual cycle. This means that this phenomenon is not triggered by an event that occurs on earth.

Reporting from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) The main culmination is a natural phenomenon, namely when the Sun is at its highest position in the sky. At that time, the image of the object will be upright and seems to disappear because it is piled up with a shadow object.

The main culmination event of the Sun is also known as Shadowless Day which occurs twice a year, namely in March and September. This phenomenon will occur in several areas on the island of Java and occur alternately, starting from the southern region then continuing to the north. In Surakata this phenomenon will occur on March 1 at around 11.49 WIB, while in Semarang it will occur on March 2 at 11.50 WIB.

The Super New moon or New Moon is a natural phenomenon in the form of the first phase of the moon that appears after the Moon evolves completely. The moon will be shaped like a sickle or by Muslims known as the hilal. This phenomenon is also related to the determination of the beginning of the month of Ramadan.

This phenomenon will appear simultaneously with perigee, namely the closest distance from the Moon to Earth, namely on March 10, 2024. This phenomenon affects high tides of sea water. The public is advised to know why Supermoon is a high wave that people in coastal areas must watch out for.

The Equinox phenomenon is a phenomenon in which the Sun passes on the equatorial line. This event occurs twice a year, one of which occurs on March 20. When this phenomenon occurs, the Sun will rise and sink right in the East and West.

In March there was also an eclipse of the Moon of Penumbra, the conditions when the position of the Sun, Earth, and the Moon is on a straight line. When this phenomenon occurs, the light of the Sun that will radiate to the Moon will be blocked by Earth. This phenomenon is quite rare because it rarely occurs.

The 2024 lunar eclipse will occur on March 25 afternoon. However, this phenomenon cannot be seen on the island of Java and can only be observed in Eastern Indonesia and in the Americas and the Pacific Ocean.

Micro full moon is a phenomenon that occurs when the Moon's position is behind Earth from the Sun. When this phenomenon occurs, the light of the Sun will hit the Moon to the maximum so that the moon can be seen clearly on Earth.

This phenomenon will occur from March 25 to 26, 2024. Please note that when this phenomenon occurs, the position of the moon will be at the farthest point on earth so that the Moon will look smaller than usual.

That's information related to natural phenomena in March 2024. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.