US And UK Reportedly Attack Al Hudaydah Airport In West Yemen

JAKARTA - Yemen's Houthi group on Wednesday said the United States and Britain carried out two airstrikes at Al Hudaydah International Airport in western Yemen.

"Two attacks by US and UK warplanes targeted Al Hudaydah International Airport", reports the Al Masirah television channel affiliated with the Houthis via Telegram reported by ANTARA, Thursday, March 7.

However, the TV did not provide further details on whether the attack caused casualties or material damage.

Meanwhile the US and UK did not provide a statement until the news was broadcast.

The attack came hours after two sailors were killed and several others missing as the Houthis targeted the Barbados-flagged True Confidence cargo ship in Aden Bay.

Prior to the war between the Yemeni government and the Houthis nine years ago, Al Hudaydah International Airport provided domestic and international flight services, but is currently not operating.

Al Hudaydah, besides having a long coastline, is also one of the most Yemeni provinces because it is the place of three vital ports.

The Houthis have targeted ships belonging to, flagd, operated, or bound for Israeli ports in the Red Sea and Aden Bay with missiles and drones,

This was done as a form of solidarity with Gaza which faced a brutal Israeli attack supported by the US. The Houthis affirmed their determination to continue their operations until the end of the war.

Since the beginning of this year, the US-led coalition has launched airstrikes against Houthi targets in Yemen in retaliation for their attacks on passing ships, which sometimes receive replies from the group.

With Washington and London's interventions as well as growing tensions in January, the Houthis announced that they considered all American and British ships targeted by the military.