10 Thousand Pairs Of Shoes Destroyed At Sport Center Pekanbaru

PekanbarU - Pekanbaru District Attorney's Office, Riau, destroyed evidence in the form of thousands of pairs of used shoes, batik cloth and fertilizer in the Pekanbaru Sport Center Area, Palembang Street, Sialang Rampai Village, Kulim District.

The Head of the Pekanbaru Kejari, Asep Sontani Sunarya, explained that the evidence came from three cases of trade protection and job creation, including 150 kilograms of used shoes with convict Surya M. Duran and 450 new bales of shoes and 150 used bales with convicts Samsul Bahri and Popo Hariyanto.

"There were 10 thousand pairs of shoes destroyed," Asep was quoted as saying by ANTARA, Thursday, March 7.

Then another copyright protection case in the form of school children's uniform batik cloth consisting of 112 rolls, 40 meters and 97 batik uniforms is in the case with the convict Enang Suharti.

Then, consumer protection has two cases, with details of 200 sacks of fertilizer in the name of Mulyadi, and 135 sacks of fertilizer in the Rizky Anugrah case.

All of them are evidence from cases that already have permanent legal force or inkrah for the first quarter of 2024.

"Following up the decision to destroy evidence aims to reduce the pile of evidence in the warehouse. In addition, it also anticipates the risk of abuse.