Hundreds Of Seahorse Seeds Released On Tidung Island Are Small

JAKARTA - The Thousand Islands Regency Government (Pemkab) released hundreds of seeds of hippocampuscuda and hippocampuscomes in the waters of Tidung Kecil Island, Tidung Island Village, South Thousand Islands District.

"This sea wall is the result of cultivation resulting from the natural colonial process in the aquarium container," said the staff of the Thousand Islands Food, Maritime and Agriculture Security Service (KPKP Sub-Department), Fauzi, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, March 7.

He said there were 300 sea horse seeds that were released to preserve biota and marine ecosystems in the local area.

According to him, the release of sea horse seeds in the waters of Tidung Island is the result of collaboration with the Technical Implementation Unit of the Human Resources Counseling and Development Agency of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia and SMK Negeri 61 Jakarta.

"Maintaining nature is a shared responsibility. For that we also invite the school community as part of education," he said.

According to him, the sea horse species in the waters of the Thousand Islands are very rare and need to be added.

"The preservation of this unique marine habitat, we hope, can also be an attraction for tourists. If many tourists come, it is hoped that the welfare of the residents will also increase," he said.