Former Commissioner Of Wika Beton Broker Secretary Of The Supreme Court Hasbi Hasan Sentenced To Pay Replacement Money Of IDR 7.9 Billion

JAKARTA - Former Commissioner of PT Wika Beton, Dadan Tri Yudianto was found guilty and sentenced to 5 years in prison for his involvement in discriminating the monactive Secretariat of the Supreme Court (Sekma) Hasbi Hasan in the corruption case management case in Makamah Agung (MA). Not only that, the panel of judges also imposed a sanction of paying compensation of Rp7.9 billion.

"Imposing additional penalties to the defendant to pay compensation of Rp. 7,950,000,000 by taking into account the assets that have been confiscated," said presiding judge Teguh Santoso during the trial, Thursday, March 7, 2024.

In its decision, if Dadan Tri Yudianto is unable to pay the replacement money, the judge will take into account his property.

Later, the property will be auctioned off to cover replacement money in the bribery case within the Supreme Court.

"Based on the evidence after the decision has obtained legal force, everything is auctioned to cover the replacement money provided that if the auction results exceed the replacement money, the rest will be returned to the convict," he said.

If you still don't cover the replacement money, Dadan Tri will have to replace it with imprisonment for one year.

"In the event that the convict does not have sufficient assets to pay the replacement money, he will be sentenced to 1 year in prison," said Judge Teguh.

Dadan Tri Yudianto was found guilty in a corruption case in case management at the Supreme Court (MA).

In the decision, Dadan Tri Yudianto was deemed proven guilty of accepting bribes from the debtor of the Intidana Savings and Loans Cooperative/KSP ID, Heryanto Tanaka, worth Rp11.2 billion.

The 5-year prison sentence given by the panel of judges is of course with several considerations. For burdensome matters, Dadan Tri Yudianto is considered not to support the government's program in eradicating corruption and damaging public trust in the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia.

Meanwhile, for mitigating considerations, Dadan Tri Yudianto has never been convicted and was polite during the trial process.

Not only criminal, but the panel of judges also imposed a fine of Rp. 1 billion. If you do not have the ability, it will be replaced with imprisonment.

"(Sangks) Fines of Rp. 1 billion, provided that if the fine is not paid, it will be replaced with imprisonment for 3 months," said the judge.