Dewa United Turned Four Records While Bending Pacific Caesar Surabaya

JAKARTA Dewa United recorded four records at once when defeating Pacific Caesar Surabaya in the seventh week of IBL 2024, Wednesday, March 6, 2024.

The impressive victory with a landslide score of 130-95 was secured by Dewa United when they hosted Pacific Caesar at the Dewa United Arena, Tangerang, Banten.

The first record set by the Children of God was to score the highest throughout the IBL journey since 2016. Previously, there were two matches that had scored more than 100.

The first was on April 27, 2016 when CLS Knights Surabaya fought Pacific Caesar Surabaya. At that time, CLS Knights came out victorious with a score of 116-45.

Then, the second match with a score of more than 100 occurred on IBL 2020, to be precise on January 10, 2020, when Amartha Hang Tuah won 115-109 over Satya Wacana Salatiga through overtime.

Thus, Dewa United now holds a record high score of 130 points in IBL.

Meanwhile, the second record that Dewa's son managed to score was the highest score in the first quarter of IBL 2024. Dewa United recorded a 39-19 advantage over Pacific in the first quarter.

Pablo Favarel's squad also broke the record for the highest score in a quarter. It happened in the third quarter when they managed to record 41 points.

The last record, Dewa United could lead the opposing team by 50 points before recording the victory. This figure is the highest difference this season.

In the match of Dewa United vs Pacific Caesar Surabaya, the home team recorded 37 assists. As for the accuracy of the fire, the Dewa's children recorded 17 three-points.

This victory made Dewa United make a striking difference in the 2024 IBL standings.

They are now sitting in the top position with a 7-0 win-loss record. This means that Dewa United wiped out seven matches with wins.

Meanwhile, Borneo Hornbills occupies a caretaker position that has never won in seven games.